Monday, February 27, 2023

Trump's Agenda 47


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald the deserter Trump is back with his Agenda 47 as chirped by the Cuckservitude Treewhore. It is about will remember he kept Obama taxes and rewarded conglomerates with low taxes if they brought money back into America. It did absolutely nothing for you.

Here is the quote from Deserter Don.

To achieve this goal, we will phase in a system of universal, baseline tariffs on most foreign products. On top of this, higher tariffs will increase incrementally depending on how much individual foreign countries devalue their currency. They devalue their currency to take advantage of the United States, and they subsidize their industries, or otherwise engage in trade cheating and abuse. And they do it now like never before, and we had it largely stopped and it was going to be stopped completely within less than a year.

As tariffs on foreign producers go up, taxes on American producers will go down and go down very substantially. And that means a lot of jobs coming in.

Not only will this system end our gaping trade deficits—and they are massive right now—and bring back millions of American jobs—it will also bring trillions and trillions of dollars pouring into the U.S. Treasury from foreign countries and allow us to invest that money in American workers, American families, and American communities.

As you are not intelligent enough to comprehend what the above is in real terms, the Lame Cherry will explain. Foreign tariffs, and what is it most of you purchase as that is all there is, is foreign made goods at Walmart and your auto stores. So all the things you can barely afford are now with INFLATION, going to in 2024 get a massive boost of cost increase by Trump tariffs. China is not going to pay these taxes, you will.

Now the taxes on American producers will "go down" Trump states, and of course they will in this National Socialism scheme, yes this is Nazism, but so you understand this, you will have a choice, a high priced Chinese tariff product in the store, or you can buy a higher priced American made product in the store as Americans have to pay Social Security, health and cost of living costs in those corporations.

Those trillions to invest in "American workers", that is not you White People. That is these Mexican and Muslim slave labor which all of these Adolf Hitlers of 1600 Penn have poured into erase and replace you.

Here is another Deserter Don quote.

We will also adopt new rules to stop U.S. companies from pouring investments into China, and to stop China from buying up America, allowing all of those investments that clearly serve American interests. We’re not going to allow bad things to happen to our country anymore. And we will eliminate federal contracts for any company that outsources to China.

These American companies are Jewish hedge fund and financial houses who have been feeding intelligence to China. They are not about to pour money into America to employ Americans. The shift will be to finance India. You will notice that Deserter Don is not telling you that in this Chinaphobe attack.

Mr. Trump could have done this all in his first term, but he did not. Instead he ate beautiful chocolate cake at his mansion with dictator Xi.

Donald Trump abandoned MAGA and this blog told you that 3 months into his policies as they were anti MAGA. This Agenda 47 sounds like something out of the United Nations take over of America. Remember that Deserter Don promised he would pour foreign workers into America after meeting with American conglomerates and he did just that as he hid behind his wall propaganda.

The above Trump policies are going to increase inflation. These 50,000 dollar a year jobs that Mexicans are being paid in a 100,000 dollar a year cost economy are pure bullshit. What America needs is Reaganomics and DEFLATION. Trump Agenda 47 is going to cause thee exact opposite.

Donald Trump is a tool and a fraud of the DIA. All of these GOPliters running are all frauds and tools of this sham, just as Dictator Biden is.

If Donald Trump was not a fraud and a tool, his agenda would focus first on one area in the confiscation and outlawing of all hedge funds. Those funds would then be turned over to every American household and I mean Americans who have been in America for more than 20 years. That is a transfer of wealth which is necessary.

Deserter Don has been exposed here as I stated he would be exposed every time he pops out with another scam. All his agenda does is empower the money monopoly, which is moving to erase you.

That is the reality.

Donald Trump is no leader. He is the head of the NeoDons a national fascism which is hiding old Frank Roosevelts International Socialism.

Nuff Said

