Saturday, February 25, 2023

Just Like The Hitlers?


....I just want a 1000 year regime in Ukraine, I started a war with Russia,
my fighters are Nazi's, so stop comparing me to Mussolini. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Russia's Lavrov says West seeking Hitler-style 'final solution,' sparking protests   timesofisrael 

With protests raging in the Holocaust Rental Mob over the charge that NATO seeks a final solution against Russia, which it has admitted to the real question in all of this is, is this nut Vodo Zellinskyy who if you put a mustachio on him, he would look like a mini Hitler, would Grubber Zellinskyy seek the same bunker way out that we have been told Adolf Hitler undertook?

We have an end of Ukraine pact like the Hitlers.

I mean will Vodo have his media director poison his kids and wife in a mass suicide and have their bodies dragged from the bunker in Kiev and burned?

Will Vodo rig Ukraine with scorched earth bombs and incinerate the entire nation so Putin will get nothing?

Your husband the Dictator was admiring my nipples, just like
my Dictator husband admires them.

In the end, will Vodo kill his dog, testing poison on the poor creature, before he gives a heavy dose to Mrs. Zellinskyy and then.......I forget how the story goes, did Hitler cap one into Eva's head, then slug back cyanide and ate the bullet himself like real man? It does not really matter, because will Vodo do the same thing, and then order their bodies to be dragged out to the same incineration pit of his staff, and use up the last gasoline in Ukraine to make a pyre for him and the Mrs.?

All of us have to ask this question in just how nuts Grubber Zellinskyy is? Should he be placed on a suicide murder watch?

For that matter, how insane is Mrs. Zellinskyy as she issues statements like this.


Thee above can sound just as normal as it sounds like a woman who will drink the poison and shoot the kids, because the troops are about to bust down the doors and hang her despot husband.

Or will he be like Adolf Hitler in flying off to South America will he lives out his life in luxury, as he does have that mansion in Florida yet.

Just how much like the Hitler's are the Zellinskyy's? The parallels are far too close.

Mar 20, 2018 ... As Ukraine's struggle against Russia and its proxies continues, Kiev must also contend with a growing problem behind the front lines: ...

Dec 2, 2022 ... KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine on Friday banned the activities of religious organizations “affiliated with centers of influence” in Russia and ...

Jun 23, 2022 ... 8 on June 20 in Lviv and effectively upheld President Volodymyr Zelensky's banning of 11 political parties that Kiev regarded as ..

Jul 8, 2022 ... President Zelenskyy has consolidated all TV platforms in Ukraine into one state broadcast and restricted political rivals.

Nov 15, 2022 ... Prisoners of war on both sides of the conflict in Ukraine have told UN human rights investigators that they have been subjected to torture ...

The West is not allied with Vladimir Putin. The West is allied with Vodo Zellinskyy and these policies which even the liberal Western media has detailed are non democratic and extreme policies.

Nuff Said

