Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Ohio on the Ukraine

I said, ah aye, oh, where'd you go Ohio...

Yes another local resident says that he was literally puking up blood after evacuating from East Palestine…

Nathan continued: ‘I woke up about 6am after the night we evacuated and I was on the verge of calling the ER. I was coughing up blood.

‘All I could think of was to strip down and cool myself off and go outside to get some relief. I was hot all over. I was very tired.

‘It was until Thursday or Friday that week until I started to feel some relief. Coming back here now though my lips are starting to get tingly again and I feel a scratch in my throat and I’m getting headaches.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The massive toxic train crash in Ohio and Pennsylvania is taking on a new interest for the Lame Cherry where none was before, because now we have the District of Co Opters and that Ohio Mafia caught lying, which always exudes interest in to exactly what was being shipped and why were fires started to cover up what was there.

Yiochi Shimatsu, the intrepid journalist has evidence and a theory. I may not go where his theory leads, but I will follow his evidence as that is what is important. This toxic chemical train, linked in for cover to a human food rail car shipment at the end of this train.

This toxic soup originated in St. Louis Missouri, home of DOW chemical, and other nuclear burning things that are still burning into the groundwater at an EPA controlled massive facility on the Mississippi River.
What caught my attention was the revelation that Dichloroethene, was used by DOW to clean uranium fuel rods and then stored in metal containers at the site. Dichloroethene was what was in use at the DOW site and not as the DC and Mockingbird Media have told the public was vinyl chloride.

If Ohio burns this stuff off, phosgene gas is produced, or a common group of mustard gas. If this was going to Aberdeen Proving Grounds as Mr. Shimatsu theorizes, then it could be also converted in chlorine bombs, which is what the media lied about Syria using to bomb Syrians,  and Donald the deserter Trump blew up Iranians in Syria with out dated Tomahawk missiles for daughter Ivanka, not long ago.

What the Lame Cherry is pondering is simple. It would not make sense to make chemical weapons in America as it illegal and would leave a trail, which would be followed by Russian nuclear missiles responding to a WMD attack. Perhaps this toxic load was moving to Norfolk shipyards where it would be transferred to a cargo ship, which then would be offloaded in Poland, put on rail cars again, and then shipped into Ukraine.

We know that Russia is considering a Northern Offensive. This is where that train would be, and the Russians might blow it up, or like North Stream, it might be the Norwegians blowing up toxic trains to make Russians cough up lungs with English bombs. Mr. Shimatu's theory is too easy. Look at the damage done in Ohio, in this is a permanent toxic site now, and people are going to be sick as in Agent Orange (another DOW creation) for all of their lives.

Now to add the Lame Cherry spice of this. The EPA has regulated this site. Materials should not be shipped out of this site and yet they were. Shipped to the populated east coast and as this was not for John Kasich's corn flakes, this was going out of the country most likely, for Ukraine, as there is not any way, that tens of thousands of gallons of toxins are just going to be dumped someplace. They had purpose and when you find out that these chemicals were exposed to RADIOACTIVE WASTE, the question like depleted uranium, is just how radioactive was this substance?

Meet you on the other side.

Liquid Cargo from Dow’s Toxic Waste Site

The source of the cargo in Madison, Illinois, was a shut-down uranium-rod production facility of the infamous Dow Chemical company (of Agent Orange notoriety), more recently operating under the cover name of Spectrulite. Since the mid-1990s, the radioactive site, located across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, has been under a “clean-up” (toxic containment) effort by the EPA, which has resisted designating the huge mess as a permanent hazardous waste dump. The chlorine-based compound inside the five suspect tanker cars was falsely described by the EPA and Norfolk Rail as “vinyl chloride”, a rather innocuous substance, in a cover-up of the actual content of highly volatile vinylidene chloride. The latter, a powerful oxidizing agent also known as 1,1 Dichloroethene, was used by Dow to clean uranium fuel rods at the Madison facility, where it has since been stored in steel holding tanks.

The logical question that rears up is: Where was that lethal cargo going to be delivered? The Norfolk Southern destination was just across the state line in Conway, Pennsylvania, located in Beaver County adjoining East Palestine’s Columbiana County. But that was not the end of journey. The Conway Rail Yard, operated by Norfolk Southern for more than a century, is a massive switching facility, the largest in the USA until the 1980s. Conway adjoins the Ohio River, and therefore has no major chemical plant or waste-disposal facility to accept tankers with a 30,000 gallon capacity. Therefore, it is safe to conclude the suspect five tankers along with several other chemical haulers were at the rear of the train for the purpose of decoupling and route transfer toward a completely different direction from the boxcars filled with foodstuffs from the upper Mississippi region heading to warehouses near major eastern cities.

....Thus, the unmarked toxic tanker cars were obviously bound for the Edgewood Chemical Weapons Arsenal, located on the U.S. Army’s Aberdeen Proving Ground, fronting Chesapeake Bay north of Baltimore, Maryland. For those Pollyannas who still believe the great Joe Biden can do no wrong, I hereby lay out the probable planned route of the second leg of the train journey: resuming the journey from the Conway train yard through Pittsburgh, then onto Altoona and the Harrisburg junction, from where the toxic train takes a brief northerly dog leg and resuming the easterly movement along the Maryland tracks toward Baltimore, and then a leftward split-off onto a secondary track to Aberdeen at the northern Chesapeake shore. Any further questions or objections?

On arrival at the Edgewood facility, the vinylidene chloride payload is readily weaponized into pure chlorine or far likelier “less lethal” phosgene for injection into canisters, for attachment to bombs and artillery shells


So this radioactive exposed substance was bound for a military post most likely. It was being shipped to the shit holes of Europe which are already toxic cesspools in Poland and Ukraine. Thee only reason to do this, was to give Russia a prime target of "fuel" for troop carriers or jets, they would have to blow up.
Russia being tempted with such a target would therefore light it's own public relations and military operational theater nightmare, as you know there would be immediate reports of Russia and chemical weapons in Ukraine and once it was learned this was not Russia, the focus of this would be, "We are finding nuclear traces in this fallout?"

Did Russia use a strategic nuclear device to attack this train?

Meet you on the other side.

So Russia has this pinned to them. They will figure out in 2 seconds they have been set up, but by that time they have just blown up a toxic dump in their battlefield which will not please it's Soldiers who have to operate there. Once word is out that it was radioactive, this would sow enough public relations problems with Russia, in China and India, that it would be a pariah state, as everyone would be wondering where this radioactive plume came from, and the Mockingbird would say Russia. 
This in turn would leverage Russia to not be using nuclear weapons, and place the counter use of nuclear weapons to defend itself on Kiev, which has nukes and this would be the gamechanger which Kiev keeps talking about.

As the link below......

WarNews247 reported Russia is now actively arming, more and more hypersonic warheads for strategic nuclear use against NATO.

That is the Lame Cherry projection on the published data.

It is how a Lord of War would set this up for dividends.

Nuclear war began in Ohio. I have no idea as I am not going to inquire, if this was an accident or Russia was informed of this and their Spesnatz embedded in America, blew this thing up to make it a two State problem in the electoral process.

What matters is the theory and the process. Anyone who uses terrorism to blow up North Stream is going to be involved in a projection as outlined in thee above.

Nuff Said

Dec 9, 2016 ... The Pretenders - Live @ The Colonial Life Arena, Columbia South Carolina. November 12th 2016.
