Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Vladimir Putin Awoken


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is only one mindset which the Lame Cherry is displeased with concerning President Vladimir Putin of Russia, and that is his blanket assessment of the "West" as the entire population and culture is anti Russian when Americans voted for peace with Russia, and what is the center of the Russian Genocide is the conglomerate elite few who are appointed by the even fewer "lords and priests".

The President of Russia gave a concise and honest speech, addressing for an hour the situation of Russia and the world. Mr. Putin sounded a great deal like Adolf Hitler, in his speeches before the Reichstag in laying out world events as they were and being castigated and mocked for doing so.

There were 3 primary situations which the Putin speech stood out. The first was that most likely for internal unity, the Chechen insurrection should be included in this list of Western terrorism against Russia, because every one of these nations was forced into upheaval to take them out of the Russian sphere and make them no man's lands. All of these gambits by the West were intended to contain Russia, when the opposite took place in Russia gained, much a Russia is gaining not in the loose Nazi alliance of the Germans, nor the weakening "Western NATO" alliance which can not win a war, but in BRICS in emerging and emerged nations with resources, namely Brazil and India, are joining China and Russia. For the record, for all the lack of quality of Chinese goods, India and Brazil turn out the best quality of production products, mainly firearms for the world, which are equal to arms maker, Turkey another Russia ally.

Western nations used the “despicable method of deceit” during campaigns in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, and Syria, Putin argued. Regarding Ukraine, Putin said the West had openly admitted that the 2014-2015 Minsk agreements were a bluff.

What we hear in the next quote is vital in the real war which is being waged against Russia, internally, in the intelligence coup targeting Russian culture, history and religion. This same wokism is what America experience in the tearing down of Confederate heroes, the CIA implanting sodomy into all organized religion and the genocide of Whiteness in America.

Russia has watched this, and is not going to succumb, as other nations have been attacked by the Western alliance, in the Serbs and Syrians.



Putin insisted that the West recognizes that it cannot defeat Russia militarily, which is why it is launching increasingly aggressive information attacks against Russian culture, history, the Orthodox Church, and other traditional values.

The last of this is the strategic nuclear arsenal of Russia, which is no longer going to be spied upon by NATO. Mr Putin stated this was temporary, which means Russia expects to gain the advantage as NATO crumbles in the near term future.

It is the nuclear sabotage and suing Kiev as a terror weapon to destroy Russian nuclear strategic aviation, which exposes what the West is afraid of, and that is Russia hyperonsics, fighter and long range bombers, and their lethal ICBM's. There is concern over these systems, and that is why Russia is safeguarding them from all spying and sabotage.

This is not necessarily a move by Russia to deploy thousands of more nuclear warheads. This appears to be a most security related measure. Russia is not going to lose the key systems which give it the edge in this warfare being waged against them.

This speech shows the Lame Cherry that Vladimir Putin is awoken. He is focused. He knows the threats. He knows the policies which he will counter these attacks on Russia. Russia is secure, stable and moving to form what can only be defined as a new democratic order of equality of nations, and not the dictates of the few.

Putin stated that Moscow is well aware of the West’s involvement in attempts by Ukrainian forces to strike Russia’s strategic aviation. This, coupled with “absurd” requests from NATO to be allowed to inspect Russia’s defense facilities within the framework of the New START nuclear treaty, leaves Moscow no choice but to temporarily withdraw from the agreement

Russia does not desire nuclear war. This is clear. They will resort to nuclear war if necessary in their nation faces collapse, and that would be insurrection rom within. To put this plainly, if the West gets Vladimir Putin's head on a pike, before this is done, the Russian dead man switch is going to put every western leader's head on a nuclear plume.

In all examination of this, at this time, Russia is winning, locally and globally. Russia has a dynamic political and military structure, with oligarchs who are sound, and far exceed the western committee and their installed non charismatic puppets. If Russia can protect her DNA and perhaps move to an artificial womb to increase the population by 50 million, Russia without Christ's return will write a history of this period where Vladimir Putin will be in the group of Peter the Great. Catherine the Great, Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Putin will be the hero of the global patriotic war which set Russia as the intellectual leader of the world, as Germany was in the Gothe era and beyond.

Nuff Said

