Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Which came first, the banana or the bread?

I think the banana came first before the bread.......
wait we are talking about cooking right?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 Dear LC, so I have a date this weekend, says she likes baking and is into making silver jewelry. . if I beat her at crazy golf she might bake me some banana bread, hoping it goes well :) 

Congratulations on the date. A woman who likes baking, a rare find. I wonder if the making of silver jewelry includes bullets for werewolves and engagement rings which in a double entendre , may be construed in you winning her at a sports match that banana bread is in the making.

You probably should not bring up my observations as I take a bit getting used to in having a fascination with werewolves and silver bullets. She must be a very steady, gifted and accomplished artisan or silver smith, as molten metals and etching jewelry is not something someone is engaged in wed to a cell phone. Nothing like a house fly plopping into your hot silver and exploding a nice silver lava onto your skin to brand you to your meat zone.

TL and I had our first date today, on another subject. I subjected TL to the fine artistry of bovine psychology on the move without borders. We had to engage in a cattle drive in the HAARP of winter to get things sorted out as my neighbors have become too much tools of satan in being problems. I think I walked twice the distance to Grandpa's place as this time it covered the pasture too on a round up. I so miss having a horse for that job. The cattle did quite well in never having really been moved in all their lives.

They were amusing in they did not want to leave Grandpas location, and kept looking at the snow fields wondering if that was the food treasure which I was promising them. Once we turned them on the road to where we live, they recognized things. I don't have the best barriers in the barn is falling down, so they climbed through that and got into the feed lot and are the happiest little cows on the planet in bedded down and being home. I have never seen cattle so secure in being home.
Out old bull did not have such a good day. He is 15 years old and did not make the trip. He got himself into trouble in deep snow, which I pulled him out with the pickup. Went looking for some kind of help, and found someone who would lift him up in the loader bucket on the tractor. He mentioned that he might poke a hole in him.... I said it would not matter as the situation he was in was terminal and I could not leave a critter on the roadside for some dumbass to hit and then sue me.
We got back and Rhett was up. He was really in not good shape, but we got him into the yard, whereupon he decided to plunge in more deep snow and laid down. I did the best I could for him in feeding and if he gets up, he gets up, if he dies, he dies, but I did for him the best I could to reward him for never being dangerous, and I will never let my pets end up in a Mexican meat packer where they beat the hell out of those poor animals. I hate having our old animals die, but I have lots of bleached bones and more will appear when the maggots go to work, as it is not economic sense, but I am far more loyal than my demon tool neighbors as good animals should live their lives to the end, and I am not going to betray an animal for a few hundred dollars in giving them a Mexican end.

I know this started about an exciting date. For me I had a most exciting day, too exciting and stressful again in my date which began when a neighbor brushed me off 24 hours ago about hay he had promised..........so hence the Trek III of today. It is more pleasant having critters on your treks, even if they try you every few minutes with ideas of their own.

I never ate breakfast or lunch today, was too busy. Never got home really until 4 PM. First time I never had breakfast. Well maybe that Ginger Beer from Dr Who was breakfast at 4:30.

I think a woman who lets you beat her at golf, so she can cook for you is a wonderful future. Sounds like both of you are looking to get caught. Then you can have bliss like TL and I have. I mean who in this world would come to the Brier and do the things TL does with me as most people would be firing silver bullets at me, even though I am not a werewolf as this stuff lately really is a test of love.

God's blessing on the wonders of discovery in the dance of the heart.

Nuff Said

