Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Tilting at Earth Mills

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have noticed that other people online are posting in threads now about how the sun is moving around and the earth is tilting in where it is not supposed to be, as was exclusively reported here last year.

In February, I was puzzled to see the moon, rise in the northeast, then move to the direct east and stated setting in the southeast in one cycle. Something was odd about it, as the farm store gal mentioned to me out of the blue," What is the moon doing up in the sky yet?"

That was around a 90 degree movement in the moon in  just a short period of time.

I have noticed the Big Dipper actually was almost directly overhead, again the north star is not supposed  to be pointing straight up from the Brier

What I have observed is strange and fascinating as the sun was bouncing around on the horizon last autumn, and actually did not seem that far south in the cold of January, but when we hit February, it seemed more pronounced in going further south. It is bouncing back north the past week at a pretty good rate, and to let you know as I sit eating breakfast and drinking coffee (more creamer than coffee) the window in the east about blinds me as the sun shines in at an angle. That lasted only about 10 days, and the sun is already quite high in the sky by the time I get done with chores and am ready to sit down for a bit.

Hollywood had brainwashed me like on Star Trek that any earth movement would be cataclysmic, in earthquakes and things, but the massive shifts I have witnessed have not produced anything, in no one is even noticing this stuff which is quite obvious. That means that space is fluid, but it does not appear to backwash like this I mean, if you had a jelly bean in a bowl of liquid jello, the earth seems to be unaffected like this, in the dark space is so dense that it is not being buffeted, it is just moving like it is being gently pushed.

I had always thought that  the sun's location in the sky was very important to temperature, but the earth appears to hold so much heat that the sun's position is not that day by day vital. Yes it makes a difference in a month, but if Crazy Eddie at HAARP had not been bombing America with storms, the natural warming of the earth would have had a pleasant European type winter for Americans, instead of this weather terrorism.

It is just a reality that God made this universe vastly more regulating to major jolts than has ever been expected, at least by the pin heads who have been saying if you piss too much in a corner an earthquake will occur. The universe is not a butterfly wing causing a hurricane. The above observations prove that.

That is not to say that forces can not jolt the earth. The Bible predicts such things, but it is remarkable to watch these bizarre shifts in positions and nothing happens on earth and people are so dense now that they do not even notice how things are moving around in the sky.

Nuff Said
