Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Is the Ukraine Summer Offensive the Kherson Gambit

Would you like some Tartar with that sauce?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I compose this on January 23rd, I will to explain that I have no insider information nor have I inquired of this, and simply take the lying schemers of America, NATO and Kiev at their word.

US Is Stubbornly Preparing Ukraine
For The 'Great Offensive'

“The US is advising Ukraine to withdraw these forces in order to re-equip and join US-led programs aimed at building a well-armed force capable of launching an offensive in the south,” the US official said.

So in 2023 AD in the year of our Lord in the Pentagon's strategy to fight in Ukraine until 2025 AD in the year of our Lord, the Co Opters of DC have a plan using a defeated and shattered Ukrainazi army to be rearmed with troop assault vehicles in Strikers and Bradleys, along with a list of promised tanks.

We know that this is to be in the South. I do not believe this is a ruse. I do not believe the ruse includes Grubber Zellinskyy who has stated that Ukraine will invade and take Crimea.

Now here is the Lame Cherry exclusives to back up what is being stated.

Below is a map of Ukraine and Crimea. The red circle is the land connection which the Lame Cherry believes is the objective of this future operation.

Russia withdrew from Kherson as it was a vulnerable position it held. That means Ukraine holds this, and Russian forces are spread thin in the back areas of  these front lines, meaning break through that line and you will advance rather freely.

Now here is what the map looks like in what the Lame Cherry believes is being set up. Ukraine is being offered a limited supply of Patriot missiles. I believe they are for shooting down Russian aircraft, not Russian missile interception. Ukraine is being provided troop carriers in Bradleys and Strikers and as a ruse the are called tank killers. Russia has no massed formations of tanks. These are for moving all Ukraine has left.........infantry.

Ukraine is being offered additional HIMARS and advanced artillery, this will cover the ground movements which are lacking now.

This now comes to Kherson and the Steppes of Tavria.

The Lame Cherry believes sometime in spring, with movements hidden by the Russian northern offensive, will move this new army and equipment to Kherson. Ukraine has zero ability to landing craft so this is a land operation, not sea.

The army will by surprise blast through the Kherson line and drive hard to the Crimean land bridge. This route is the Steppes or Prairies of Ukraine which are perfect for fast moving armoured divisions and warfare. The Kherson Gambit is to make a corridor through Russian annexed lands for a pouring in masses of infantry, who will embed themselves like VD into Crimea and require vast Russian infantry and munitions to root them out.

This will be crowed about in Kiev and DC a Russian defeat. It will not matter that what is left of the Ukrainian forces will be wiped out, because in this Hitleresque Battle of the Bulge, this time the Ukrainazi will have enough pockets in Crimea that Hitler never attained in the lowlands.

From the war standpoint, what the United States and NATO are offering Ukraine is nothing of the heavy munitions they need for combat. What is being offered is a force which when combined as Hitler did at the Bulge, be able to throw back the Russians and cut a path to Crimea which is the propaganda objective. Grubber Zellinskyy stated that Soledar was about buying time. That is what this is all about in buying time, until Russia is made to absorb defeat in ways it never meant to occupy.

President Putin's slow methodical war allows this type of counter offensive. It will be in jeopardy thoug with a northern advance driving south to Moldova to cut Ukraine off from the West. The Russians have show exceptional strategy and tactics in Ukraine. Bakhmut is as well thought out operation as any in world history. So Russia is bombing Odessa to keep it from becoming a supply line or threat in the Russian flank. This Kherson Gambit though is more like putting in  a human mine field in Crimea and then forcing Russia to pick out every piece of rat shit in a mountain of flour.

This is what the armament for Ukraine points to. Kherson is the location and Crimea the target. That is according to what the statements have been in the press.

Russia has had one limitation, and that was like all armies holding too much open ground which is then exploited. That is Kherson and Crimea.

This can be done on a Hitleresque suicide mission and if successful be a very bad public relations reality in Moscow, which this is all about in Russia for the cartel in fomenting an insurrection there to defeat Russia from within.

Nuff Said
