Monday, March 6, 2023

algorithmic warfare system


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading another excellent column by Niall Ferguson at Hoover Institute, examining what as Dr. Henry Kissinger is warning of, is the next world war.
Mr. Ferguson uses the wonk phrase of, algorithmic warfare systems to base the coming war on compare to the previous wars in coal and iron in the first world war, oil and steel in the second world war, but this third will be semiconductors, satellites and computer systems to enhance war performance of machines and men.

I will get back to this on the other side.

In 1914, they were coal, iron and the manufacturing capacity to mass-produce artillery and shells, as well as steamships. In 1939, they were oil, steel, aluminum and the manufacturing capacity to mass-produce artillery, ships, submarines, planes and tanks. After 1945 it was all of the above, plus the scientific and technical capacity to produce nuclear weapons.

Today, the vital inputs are the capacity to mass-produce high-performance semiconductors, satellites, and the algorithmic warfare systems that depend on them.

There is a problem with Mr. Ferguson's paradox and that is the world still needs iron and coal, as much as oil and steel. Yes the world is hybridized to computers and rare earth metals, but it is still functional only with two legged fragile beings.

This blog has stated and Mr. Ferguson is correct that the West is top heavy in technology. Technology is fragile and expensive. This blog has already shown that hypersonic missiles are the wealthy Asians clean nuclear bomb. This blog has shown that a debris field created by Russian anti satellite systems will end the United States weapon systems, coordination and communication.

Have you considered past this blog why 200 million men on horses appear at Armageddon, and not just a few hundred thousand special operations troops with lasers? Armageddon hints that technology is killed before that last great battle.

Algorithmic warfare intends to reduce the number of warfighters in harm's way, increase decision speed in time-critical operations, and operate when and where ...

Mar 1, 2022 ... The Military utilizes multiple algorithms to define and predict adversaries, develop staff estimates, and develop courses of action.

Oct 27, 2022 ... NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland — The Air Force wants its sixth-generation fighter aircraft to have a squad of uncrewed systems flying at its side ...

I have pled the case before Trump was installed that the United States must go out and make peace with Orthodox Russia or America will not survive. The Co Opters even after being betrayed by the Schwabians over Ukraine have not figured out that America is expendable.

For all the nuclear sword rattling, the fact is that Russia does not need to use nuclear weapons of any sort. Russia will plain old things that go bang on earth and outer space can indeed cripple the West, to it's own demise.

This Sullivan sodomite of Dictator Biden lectures about the use of technological embargoes against Russia and China, without understanding one basic reality which has never been stated before now. China wants Taiwan intact. What good though is an intact Taiwan if China is fractured like Russia and loses this war without computer chips? Is not a Peking strategy then, to not invade Taiwan, but instead slam the Taiwan manufacturing of computer chips be the answer, as America is even more dependent on chips than the Asians of China and Russia.

America has depleted her stores of old weapons to Ukraine. America must manufacture more. Chips have been horded, but again in that, is not there one woke crooked Obamite who has not sold the secret to where the US depository is, so that some situation might occur there at the instigation of these millions of Chinese 5th column invaders to America to level the playing field?

When the technology ends due to attrition, then the Chinese and Russian almost 2 billion, have the land, and sticks and stones to drive the United States behind her ocean walls, and not have a merchant marine to resupply.

The United States population due to invasion, the Lame Cherry maintains is around 500 million. America can not deal with these numbers of foreigners without a globalist system. The nation is already by design falling apart.

AWS may work in most cases, but humans are unpredictable. There are not any programs that show soldiers armed with sticks and stones.  Logistics work as long as there are logistics to work with. All those logistics are recorded and with the spies in America, all those locations and back up systems are known.

The next and last world war will begin with technology. It will end with sticks and stones and the population resilient enough to overcome the other side with sticks and stones

Nuff Said
