Monday, March 6, 2023

The Real Penis NV

Is your member on your mind? Are you wondering if the vax has
harmed your penis?  If so, get examined today.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After all we have been through with the Fauci Flu and Trump Vax, reports have now surfaced that in testing the mRNA vax, that a disturbing penis injury was reported. Yes this is PENIS NV, or Penis Non Viable.

Penises attached to what is no longer accepted as the male gender, have suffered all kinds of ailments from cancer to ulcers. Yes penises were rotting off the vaxed in trials and no one was told.


Should this not be public information? After all, the vaxed were so adamant about being vaxed for their safety and persecuted the unvaxed, with penal penalities and threats. The unvaxed were threatened at family events, scowled upon by the mask wearers and are still being tracked with special flags on their files.

Would not all these vaxed benefit from this information printed out, given to family members who were so strong in their beliefs and to employers who were so directed to have all vaxed. Should not human resources on bulletin boards and public fliers be placed so that all will know this story.

Should not all who care, ask, "How is your penis" to the vaxed. Should we not advocated for penises to be checked by corporate nurses at employment and urge our penis possessing men folk in our friends and families to submit to an examination, to discover some hidden manifestations on foreskin and not.

Is it not the greatest of concerns for all of us and the greatest illness for the vaxed that they go to bed thinking, "Will tomorrow be the day my penis falls off?"

We must have compassion on this, let bygones and threats be no longer remembered from the vaxed. Let us reach out and show our concerns, let us ask, "Have you had your penis examined today?"

Nuff Said
