Sunday, March 12, 2023

It is all so confusing with the facts


Pale face you learn nothing. Change name as minorities get
millions in subsidies and pass on crime, as long as do corporate bidding.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I know nothing about this case, that of course provides that I should comment on it, as knowing nothing of the facts, my mind  will not be cluttered with them.

If found this link on, and do not remember what it was labeled under, but clicked on it and it was a podcast about some investigative journalist named Shawn Witzeman. That is a really bad name to have in woke America, in how hard it must be to be a White Man named Whites Man. Only think I could think would be worse is being named Vladimir Putin.

Here is what the site said.

On The National Security Hour’s “History Friday,” our guest was Shawn Witzemann, a young investigative journalist who will spend the following week in jail for what he has said and thought about the events of January 6th.

Yup, jail time for asking questions and thought crimes. Mr. Witzemann turned himself in as soon as he was asked to by an FBI officer, which was fortunate as FBI leaders were planning a damaging, shock-and-awe dawn raid on his home and against his family.

He has been forced to sell his home and move his family and badly damaged plumbing/mechanical company to a new state.

We have asked Mr. Witzemann to join us again after he is released from jail for a further discussion of the foregoing, as well as his experience in jail.

Ok that does not provide any information really so we still are without facts to clutter our bias and or prejudices about a white guy named white guy.

So I looked up the his name online to see what came up, and a site called JUSTICE.GOV had this information. I had no idea that the DOJ has a site for US Attorneys. I don't know if the DOJ or FBI has their own page on the white guy, but maybe they do as they have their own sites that have things on them.

Anyway this is what the Justice site said.

WITZEMANN, Shawn Bradley

Case Number: 

Knowingly Entering or Remaining in any Restricted Building or Grounds Without Lawful Authority

Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds

Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct on Capitol Grounds

Parading, Demonstrating or Picketing in a Capitol Building

Location of Arrest: 
NEW MEXICO, Farmington
Case Status: 

Arrested 4/6/21. Initial appearance held 4/7/21.

Charged via criminal information 4/21/21. Arraigned 5/10/21.

Superseding information filed 5/16/22.

Pleaded guilty 7/21/22.

That explains nothing, and we can infer bias and prejudice now as it looks like the white guy plead guilty in July of 2022 AD in the year of our Lord.

OK as I have slow internet for running out of bandwidth and I have lots of company from Stingray in the FBI to whoever else in Ukraine is not busy enough with exterminating Slavs, has time to go online and read a blog no one donates to.........where was I going with this? Oh yes, I am loading the PLEA AGREEMENT which will clutter my knowing with facts and probably affect my bias and prejudice on the white guy.

Taking a long time to load. Probably the DOJ embedding some trojan spyware to keep track of me as all the other ways are not enough. It is comforting they are this thorough.

I am not that thorough as it was like 9 pages of legal stuff. What I got out of it is the white guy had to pay 10 dollars in a special fine to the court. There was like 1.5 million dollars in damage done on Jan6. and the government figures the white guy owes 500 dollars for his part. Maybe it was for rewaxing the floors where he walked or something. I wonder if Ashli Babbitt got fined as bleeding on a floor as that  leaves stains and that would be a bigger cost than scuff marks.

Anyway I must have missed the part about being on Podcasts an the penalty is a week in jail. I going to go prejudice and bias in this, but I am thinking that what white guy said on the podcast is perjury or something and he got a week for that, where I thought you got like 20 years.

I don't think white guy has been sentenced yet by the documents. Seems odd to plead guilty and be running around doing things, and then be moving your crippled business to another state. I thought if you were in jail that you couldn't move around or run a business, as that is kind of what jail is, or at least I thought it was in you are in jail.

See what I mean about cluttering up with facts as that just makes things more complicated in nothing makes sense.

I decided to complicate things more by reading the file again, and it did complicate things in white guy waived the right to a speedy sentencing. On Gunsmoke they always found them guilty after a speedy trial, by mid afternoon which provided for a nice time to get drunk at that bar and a hangman thing to be built for hanging the next morning at dawn. I think they hung at dawn as the flies are not as bad then, as no one likes hauling a body around having flies that lit on a dead body, landing on you as you sweat digging a grave.

Anyway, this white guy I think if he played it right, he might never get sentenced, but if he does Podcasts like once a year, he could demand free medical checkups and dentistry. Probably serve nice meals in federal custody, nice bed, climate controlled, be like a vacation away from the family at government expense, so there is a perk to not getting sentenced I suppose.

I think this white guy before he became a journalist should have not been a plumber and changed his name to Juguy or BLMatters that way he would show that he really was sympathtetic to Obama things. Now though it may be should be, "Dondesertedme" or for Biden "Ihearttrannysex". Just gets complicated with the facts and that is why we should not have them, like the Congressional Jan6 committee never saw any video evidence that Tucker Carlson and that McCarthy saw. They just had Adam Schiff creating evidence and that Liz Cheney saying she hated Donald Trump.That kept things simple, now Tucker and that McCarthy complicated things with information.

I still don't know what white guy could have said on the pod to get an FBI raid, as if it was violent he would get more than week, although I just saw a link on Rense where a Black got released for murdering a white guy, you know like Ashli Babbitt got legally murdered.  A seven day vacation though for something he said. Am sort of glad that we do not have the facts as it is better this way in it must have been so terrible it could not be uttered and the woke DOJ is so enlightened that they could reform the white guy in a week. That is about as good as Jonah in 3 days in the fish or Jesus in the tomb. Think Lazarus incubated a bit longer as they said he stunk as a miracle needs justifiable proof like stinky corpses to be end all doubt.

1,495, 326.55 in damages to the Capitol.  900 Jan6ers at 500 dollars a head is only 450,000 dollars. Maybe others will pay more. I just would like to know who did the 55 cents worth of damage as it is hard to find anything worth 55 cents now. A pen is over a buck, maybe like 15 Jan6ers wrote notes on typing paper, and made like 14 mistakes at 3 cents a sheet and that is the 55 cents, or maybe they figured in the charges for use of a printer in ink or pens to write thing. That would figure and if they got envelops at like 5 cents a piece it would come up to 55 cents in just a few people.

So anyway, after all of this we don't know a thing and have proof that we don't need facts as we know no more with them than without them.

Want to know what I do know? If you enter in "Indian with pale face", what comes up are those sexy Bollywood babes from India, and not a 'Native America posing with a white guy". Odd how that AI translates things from the past and has no recollection for the future as Indians are not Indians, by Aryans now.

All so confusing.
