As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As one can see by the above car crash in motion, with the HAARP chem snows covering the mountains in Nevada, that the culprit is HAARP in this chemical and temperature wear and tear on the US highway system is making driving absolutely unsafe.
This is I 70 and should be in pristine driving condition, but it is not. Maintenance simply can not keep pace with these deliberate weather bombs which HAARP produces. The cause of this crash was said to be the POTHOLE FROM HELL. Yes the road structure eroded and steel rebar was sticking out like a spider's web capturing vehicles to their destruction and human injury.
This is the same area which HAARP began the massive Winter Terror on North America in late December. HAARP generated a massive jet of water that slammed into California. This "storm" then stalled in Nevada, where it was supercharged again in being pulled north, and eventually slammed into thee American interior with more death.
None of this is by accident. It is all by design, and now the effects of this constant chemical erosion, freezing, thawing, is ripping America's roads apart.
.......and here comes another storm ploughing into this region and into the American interior today.
When are enough voices going to be raised to track down these weather terrorists and "bin Laden them".
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said