Thursday, March 9, 2023

ZELLINSKYYGRAD: History Repeats Itself

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a strange world when history repeats itself. It becomes even more disturbing when Russia is involved in both events. It is beyond comprehension when the reality is, Russia is fighting against two Nazi regimes, which were both headed by Ashkenazim in Adolf Hitler and Volo Zellinskyy, in the fight for a city which became an artillery barrage, because both Nazi leaders refused to save their own people.

The city is Bakhmut, and it is disgusting that the United States hijacked by the Co Opters is joined in this genocide of the Slavic Peoples of Ukraine under Zellinskyy. This Slavic Holocaust is far worse than the meat grinder of Stalingrad where Germany made it's last stand in World War II. Germany still had ample troops in Germany and Austria. For Ukraine, Zellinskyy has butchered his population for fodder worse than Stalin has. 500,000 Ukrainians are either maimed or dead from Zellinskyy's war against Russians.

It has been estimated that over 12,000 Ukrainians have died in Bakhmut alone. It was hoped that he city would be evacuated in the remaining thousands would be rescued by Zellinskyy, but new reports have Zellinskyy pouring in more troops and supplies.

Russia would welcome this, as their purpose is to destroy the army of Ukraine, and if Zellinskyy and his NATO advisers seek to make this a second Stalingrad it is more cost efficient and realistic to accomplish this in Bakhmut than in several other battles.

So it appears that Russia in leaving open two escape routes, have benefited in Grubber Zellinskyy has dumped more resources and people into this death zone, instead of withdrawing.

"According to various assessments, there are between 12,000 and 20,000 Ukrainian servicemen currently in Bakhmut," Prigozhin said. "Extremely difficult fight goes on day and night, but the Ukrainians are nor running. [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky is not about to run out of people - more and more thousands are being thrown into the ‘meat grinder’."

Wagner Group from Russia had put out a statement that it was running low on ammunition. Wagner Group is not going to put out a video stating such a thing, as that would help Kiev. Instead  this was another Russian ruse which Kiev has believed, in they were winning, and instead Russia will now kill off several more brigades with efficiency as they are now the army which which learned and blitzed Berlin.

The Jews always promoted NEVER AGAIN. The Lame Cherry asks  where these Ashkenazim are now in calling for an end of this Slavic Holocaust in Ukraine. The disturbing part of this is Zellinskyy called for his own Greater Ukraine, but this is not about Jews, this is about the Ashkenazim of the old Khazarian Empire, which was headquartered in Ukraine. It is this DNA group which Zellinskyy leads in the oligarchs and their vision is a Greater Ashkenazim homeland, a Velyka Batʹkivshchyna, as the Jews were rightfully awarded. For the Khazarians though, this land is not unoccupied as Palestine was. This land was settled by Germans, vacated, resettled by Slavics and Russians, and one can not be like the Poles in erasing the Prussians in their motherland.

For a Protestant Christian this is vexing to the heart in witnessing another mass murder of people and the DC treachery is once again at the forefront of profits and instigating something that could very well cause a nuclear incineration of America. These people do not have to die. The Minsk Accords brought peace. Russia was abiding by that peace, but German Angela Merkel stated it was all a western ruse to pull Russia into war and defeat her. For Zellinskyy this is about seizing Russian lands to the Volga. For the cartel of Berlin to DC, this is about bankrupt socialism, dividing up Russia to steal Russian gold to balance their bankrupt Western accounts.

Volo Zellinskyy in his little combat green uniform like Adolf Hitler, sits in his bunker, surrounded by fawning parasites as Ukrainians suffer and die in mass. The Lame Cherry calls again for a stop to this and a secure peace, so energy will flow to Europe and food to starving Africa and Asia. This does not need to have happened. It is perplexing to conclude that Adolf Hitler, was more righteous in trying to protect Germany and providing lands for German expansion to save Germans from a holocaust. Volo Zellinskyy does not need half of Russia for the few Ashkenazim who still live in New York City and other resorts, as no one is seeking to holocaust the Khazarians ever again. There is already a homeland in Tel Aviv there does not need to be two festering war spots on this planet from this neo diaspora.

The world needs peace so it does not become a nuclear scorched earth over Kiev ideas of founding a neo empire. The Slavics of Ukraine must be protected from Kiev. History should not be made to repeat. We must not have another holocaust, this time of Slavs.

Nuff Said
