Thursday, March 2, 2023

Ignorance is not Bliss


But my money will protect me...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The featured Bible quoter of Durdan Bros had this to say about what we are facing. It reveals an analysis of fear inside Mike Snyder.

Unfortunately, we have a hothead in the White House that is in an advanced stage of mental decline.

And he is surrounded by irrational warmongers such as Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken and Victoria Nuland.

They do not want peace.

There is a vast problem in either glow worms or the always experts in the above, and I do wonder if you know what is wrong with the above, as you have been reading the Lame Cherry private discussions now for years.

We have a hot head in the White House.

No we do not. Dictator Biden does nothing unless he is instructed to. If that is even him in his baby juice cocktails or the skin flap stand ins impersonating him. Just because you are scared, do not ever just fall into the trap of making lazy statements.

And he is surrounded by irrational warmongers such as Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken and Victoria Nuland.

No these people are absolutely rational. They are left wing zealots, but they do not want a real war. They have had it worked out for them that they can win this by a proxy war. They are absolutely rational from Victoria Nuland causing this murderous overthrow in Kiev to the genocide of the Slavs. This has all been worked on in a black notebook project and all of the factors have been factored in.

They do not want peace.

Yes they do want peace. The kind of peace they desire though is one which will would allow them to establish avenues of insurrection into Russia in order to hang all the Kremlin leadership. That is what Norway investment was and all of these CIA operations destabilizing Russia have been about for decades.

The Russians in President Medvedev were suckered by Barack Obama. The Russians in President Putin were suckered by Angela Merkel. They believed the psyops to lead them to where Russia is now fighting a war, which is a diversion to draw them out, to be destroyed in greater Europe. As the Lame Cherry has explained, this is all about advanced technology of weapons of clean mass destruction to obliterate Russia before Russia knows the trap was sprung.

The only reason the Russians were told they were suckered, was to trigger them to a hard line to be manipulated as they are now.

Only this blog has stated that the JP Morgan and Blackrock appear to be involved in a funding scheme for the Kiev oligarchs to flood Russia with so much money it will corrupt the system and people, so a revolution begins from within, and ends with Putin hung in the streets.

Apparently most of you are afraid like Mike Snyder and fall back on simplistic incorrect analysis. You do not donate for the sake of your lives to the Lame Cherry, and follow the lazy trail to rotting in the streets.

Yes global war is coming. The Bible predicted that. The Lame Cherry welcomes it as Jesus will appear before Armageddon. That is all I desire in the safety of Christians East and West in the most numbers I can help in saving them. None of this concerns me in the least. I have more concerns with the daily shit attacks I get because people do not donate and I can not prepare as I want, so I can focus more here to save you lazy asses from yourselves.

All of this is happening from plans formulated years ago.  Everything is projected and counter measured. The puppets know their part and play it. Those who designed this have it all in the measured chaos they have enlisted for their purpose, to get Russian and Chinese gold and eliminate the Christian Peoples.

Just remember your information zone is filled with glow warms and people who are not Inspired and they are going to be the death of you, by design. If they can not get this simple stuff right, they are not ever going to get the big stuff.

Nuff Said
