Thursday, March 2, 2023

The New British Monarchs


When Willie makes you yanks pay for 1776,
I am going to put the spurs and whip to you wankers.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry loathes the British royals for their bastardization of the Throne of Christ in King David. I did though find something to appreciate in them when Harry Hewitt was whining about William beating the hell out of him over that Quadroon. That is my kind of royal. No one wants this pissy front of Charles caring about William hanging around people who are nuts.

I started looking around though and found Kate in America, threatening Yanks for 1776. That is the kind of thing you want to hear from a royal.

Then there was this in Princess horse face. I don't know here name, but the British have found a use for cripples. They ride them around for sport. We can all appreciate that as all those cripples do is take things like they deserve the for free.

Then there is William. He was invited to Davos in 2019 and never went back. He was really insulted and called the Germans cunts and that he was going to holocaust them. The British have a stellar history in genocide and holocaust. but never own up to it. I am glad they are back.

William also told a transvestite to piss off. Most British would have tried to have sex with it, but not William.

Lastly when King Charles is alone, you get the real Charles. I think he eats Indians as they eat that spicy curry food, so their meet is naturally spicy. Cannibalism is the new thing, and Charles is leading the way.

So maybe we should give the British Royals a new look for ruling over us, as they are not like that dead Elizabeth in keeping it all proper. Riding cripples around for sport, putting the spurs and whip to Americans, genociding Germans and eating Indians are the kind of things even the old English never really got into.

Let us just not stereotype the royals into being pussies like Harry Hewitt and that bossy Quadroon who lies all the time.

The new British monarchs are something to appreciate.

Nuff Said
