Thursday, March 2, 2023

The Devil's Scepter


In a February 3 tweet, Dutch seismologist Frank Hoogerbeets warned of a possible magnitude 7.5 or greater earthquake in Turkiye and Syria. Three days later, a devastating earthquake struck precisely on the Turkiye-Syria border, causing massive damage and tens of thousands of deaths.
Seismologist Frank Hoogerbeets at the Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS) has issued a prediction of a major earthquake in the upcoming week.
"We cannot know for sure, but the first week of March will be extremely critical. We could see earthquakes of magnitude more than seven or eight," the researcher said in a new video breakdown.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

NOTE: In Dutch, HOOG is pronounced HIGH, so the name is Higherbeets.

I was interested in no one made note of an event which happened a few nights ago. As I have to go out after dark with animals in all the cold and snow in the Bier Patch, I get to see lots of things in the night sky. No meteors at all, a few spy drones, but mostly Orion now getting closer to setting at 11 PM than when it was rising just at dark a few months ago to depress me in coming winter.

I have been watching two planets for months. I believe one is Venus, but this other keeps an appearance close by. Now here is the thing, I saw the above and had to go back in and show TL, as my first thought was, "That looks like the Devil's Scepter". I knew it was some sign from God in the Heavens as it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw.......and no one mentioned it.

The moon moves a great deal in the sky by an hour each day, so the moon days later was completely out of the picture. These two planets though surprised me in they closed on each other FAST. The night of March 1st, I came inside and told TL that those planets were almost sitting on top of each other. I have never seen planets that close. In this, the moon for most of this winter has it seems non stop sitting with some star just off of it.

I believe in things in the sky being signs from God, signatures of events. I also know from experience how the times that major earthquakes take place have to do with lunar full or new position. As I read from this Hoogerbeets though the planets are joining as I have been watching. The full moon takes place on March 7th, so that is why he is looking for an event or events somewhere in the world.

Meet you on the other side.

According to Hoogerbeets, the US West Coast is the first place in danger. Seismic activity of up to 7-8 on the Richter scale is possible there at the end of the first week of March. Earthquakes of a similar magnitude have killed around 45,000 people in Turkiye since February 6, with the death toll expected to go up.
Northern regions of Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Russia's Kamchatka and Kuril Islands are also said to be at risk.

"In the first week of March, there could be several seismic events of magnitude greater than six. There are two scenarios: either a major seismic event will occur around 3 or 4 March [...] or with some seismic amplification on 6 or 7 March, during the full moon," the seismologist said.

I have not inquired of this, as I have been on Treks and trying to survive on non donations. So I do not know if this was a warning of evil or a sign of something wonderful. If the quake doctor is correct it probably was the Devil's Scepter announcing a Judgment by God. People have been so beat up around the world, and the ease of death in the holocaust of the Slavs is something which Turkey and Syria only whetted the appetite for people being ground to death. It would be a real beaut with HAARP lezbo storms covering California is a big quake hit, and in the midst of it, HAARP is going to explode more weather bombs next week. Crazy Eddie really likes people suffering, and what could be more suffering than millions homeless and thousands more trapped inside collapsed buildings with rotting family, friends and co workers. That would really get the nethers damp on them HAARPERS in Germany.

I still find it odd that no one posted about this Scepter. Star lookers though have not noticed a great deal of things in warning people that things are not right in the skies, but maybe this was the big sign and they did not want anyone to be aware of it, before the reveling took place in all this misery.

I welcome anything that breaks down this evil that rules this world. I have family in lots of earthquake locations, but that is their choice. I would live there too if there were not so damn many people in those locations as I do like warm days and nights.

Still waiting on someone bequeathing me their ranch in a nice location. Like to have it before I would have to trek there, even if the burden is lighter this week in the dead than last week.

So make of it what you will. We will all know if something rumbles big. If not, then that Scepter was portending something else.

Oh and about leaving me for dead......... I would think that people in California or wherever who should have donated, would be thinking, "Hmmm if my house falls on me, or we get shook back to the stone age, if I need help from God, God will hear those prayers screaming for help and think, "Oh yes that is the person who loved money, put LC through hell all these years. One gets what one pays for".

That would be a balancing act now wouldn't it.
