Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The Atlanticists

The Jewish oligarchs who own Ukraine have deemed it acceptable losses of
the goy of the West for their eventual rule of the West.

Medvedev, who is also deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, warned the US and its allies that they can be treated as parties to the conflict “if, in addition to supplying weapons, they train personnel to operate them,” citing legal precedents from the early 20th century.

Tank training on EU territory already applies, Medvedev noted on Telegram, but if that expands to fighter jets based somewhere in Poland, “that would be direct entry of the Atlanticists into war against Russia, with all the consequences that entails.”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that we have the real Red Line in World War from Moscow, and that is the sending of fighter jets to the regime, training Nazi pilots and sending them to fight Russia.

That is the bluff from Moscow which has made the puta of Berlin, Paris and DC, quake. Mr. Medvedev has rattled the whorehouses again, to make sure that  US fighter jets do not appear in Ukraine, which sincerely should not be an impediment to Russia as the Ukrainians an these European pilots are worthless.
That conveys  a weakness in Moscow.  The Russian missile systems have shown profound ability to knock all things American out of the sky. Therefore it would appear to be that Russia does not want a wider air war with foreign pilots, meaning Russia does not have the ability to sustain an air war, outside of Ukraine, meaning Poland, and other NATO regimes.

That is what Moscow is concerned about. It reveals Kremlin sense, in Moscow understand that it can not expand to a greater war theater by extending the distance of this war.

We are at a stalemate, in Berlin does not want to be  incinerated, and Moscow does not want it's air force chewed up which it can not replace, in Russian production or Chinese production. China has zero quality control.

While the US, NATO and the EU talk about the “freedom-loving people of Ukraine,” Thursday’s attack on Russia’s Bryansk Region shows that they are supporting “Nazi bastards, terrorist scum who attack civilians,” Medvedev said. 

“These are your proteges, Mr. Sunak, Macron, Scholz and Biden!” he wrote, addressing the leaders of the UK, France, Germany, and US. “And our attitude towards you is now the same as towards them. Your countries are now participants in the terrorist acts of the Ukrainian regime, and you are direct accomplices of terrorists.

As long as Hungary is in the mix, that is the last honest broker which Russia will trust in. Hungary is correctly calling for a European NATO to rid itself of this Amerikan cartelism to save Europe from nuclear war which Hungary will be the mowing ground.

The Kosovo War began with an attack on Christian Serbs. There will be more staged attacks, just as Kiev was about to unleash a genocide on the Russian Donbas.  As Russia understands it can not sustain air loses outside of Ukraine, this is the red line, as Russia will initiate a nuclear response of it's own choosing. It is a simple cause and effect.

At least former President Medvedev is identifying capitols and leaders as the Atlantacists, and not the "West" in his mind.

Nuff Said
