Those homosexuals want our paddles to do sinful things with.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is an interesting banking failure in California, which was set off by homosexual Peter Thiel in pulling his hedgefund Future Fund from Silicon Valley Bank first, and the rumors spread to other funds, which doomed SVB.
ZeroHedge mused that SVB must have pissed off someone. That is the puzzle in this.
There is smoke in this and the fire is Federal Regulators swept in within two days. There is more to this than is being told the public.
I started looking around for where the money was going and SVB was out 15 billion in the home market, and with that crashing, it is a candidate, but not enough to pull a bank down.
13 hours ago ... SVB Financial Group had $15 billion of outstanding loans from the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco at the end of 2022—it had none a ...
There is another candidate, in the Chinese communists.
Then we have where SVB turned to, the same bank that just undertook the building of Ukraine. It would stand to reason that SVB will be absorbed by this giant, and that giant will absorb whatever is the gemstone in this pile of enterprises.
On Friday morning, the company sent a note to clients telling them that, because of the SVB news, it was moving “key elements of our payments infrastructure” to JPMorgan Chase
and we move back to Ukraine. I have no idea what this bank was into or who it was into, that somebody got it in for it.
Feb 23, 2021 ... Ukrainian tech startup AirSlate received a $50 million loan from U.S. Silicon Valley Bank bringing its total funding to $130 million, ...
I think somebody decided to make a move to put a leash on those computer nerds who think they are geniuses when it is NSA and DIA money that created their weird little empires of AI conversations that sound sticky keyboard.
Someone pretty well has control over the financial network of Silicon Valley. They now have control over those venture start ups.
Must be nice to be in charge of those Karl Rove homosexual funds and get to loot banks like that old W had Goldman Sachs looting them other kosher brothers of Lehman Brothers of their last Obama sorting of assets.
Roku Says 26% Of Its Cash Reserves
Stuck In Failed Silicon Valley Bank
Tucker Has Expert On Regarding The Collapse
300 Billion Reasons Why SVB Contagion
Is Spreading To The Broader Banking System
One can gain insights in Jim Cramer was touting Silicon not that long ago. Yellen was clueless as to what was taking place in the run up to this. This was an inside pull down, but of the top level. We can discern the spread. If this stabilized, then it was the cartel seizing what this bank had to gain control of Silicon Valley. If this starts spreading as it is rippling overseas, then it was meant to force dollar flow into the United States as what the Fed is moving on against London and European banking. It this roosts home in the next weeks, THEN THIS IS BIDEN BUCKS or digital currency seizure at the source of this. Silicon was expendable and JP Morgan was not as the main money laundering arm of this group, setting up in Ukraine.
'Contained' 2.0? Treasury Sec Yellen
Says Banking System Is ‘Resilient'
Wells Fargo Warns Customers Of ‘Incorrect
Balances Or Missing Transactions'
Silicon Valley Bank Is The 2nd Largest Bank
Collapse In US History
As most of you are not that schooled on your money in banks. Your money is insured by the FDIC up to 250,000 dollars. That is where the depositors at Silicon got nailed, in they had millions in payrolls and operating deposits which are only covered to 250,000. So this does not affect any of you really, as the money God gave you is secure in small sums, and for those who have the big cash, you have your own banks or sit on the bank boards, so those assets are safe.
So yes you should have some cash on hand, but you have that already. Just watch how this develops if it follows the 3 phases of Obama 2008 AD in the year of our Lord. It tested out in Iceland Moved to England, then France hit Ameirca for the cartel twice to cause the economic Pearl Harbor that installed Obama. As you will know what is out there, the steps in this, no reason to be concerned.
I would not have had my money in these major Ponzi banks like Citi, Wells or whatever, as you can see they are clever delaying your funds. On a personal note, my Brier bank was a regional. It just was purchased by another region. There is not allot any of us can do as most banks are plugged into this system. It is why I mentioned the 250,000 dollar insurance on your money. You can survive on that for a decade so having food and shelter, do not be concerned as probably Jesus will be back by then.
...and if you have more than that, then maybe you should have been taking a blessed lot better care of me, as I sure am taking a whole lot better are of you.
All insured depositors will have full access to their insured deposits no later than Monday morning, March 13, 2023. The FDIC will pay uninsured depositors an advance dividend within the next week. Uninsured depositors will receive a receivership certificate for the remaining amount of their uninsured funds. As the FDIC sells the assets of Silicon Valley Bank, future dividend payments may be made to uninsured depositors.
This confirms the feds are selling this bank to the insiders, so Phase 1 as I speculated on is a fact. Now we need to wait and see about 2 and 3.
Doubt we will ever find out what was up this creek for real, but on reflection this looks e coin as Bidencon has been busy.
Nuff Said