As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I desire each of you to ask yourself, "If you had a gang driving by and shooting at your house, would you put up a sign saying, "Hey I'm out of ammunition?"
No you would not, and yet there are incessant reports in this of how America and NATO are all out of ammo, as they keep harping about starting another war with China, as the proxy war with Russia is not enough.
Is not logical at all, unless the reality of what it is, is to entice Russia into thinking it can bully it's way into Europe. The Lame Cherry told all of you years ago, that Russia was being taught, in Chechnya, South Ossetia, Syria and Crimea to forget the defeat in Afghanistan, and to settle issues by their military.
The Lame Cherry warned that the retreat from Afghanistan was to send a message to Moscow that the United States could not even handle a retreat without it being a disaster. Russia is being conditioned to believe things.
The Sputnik virus like the mRNA injections have been found to change personalities to become more aggressive. Russia is more aggresssive in her leadership, and is being taught in Ukraine that it can defeat NATO systems handily. Is not defeating NATO trained Nazi in Ukraine the same as defeating Americans in their army?
The Lame Cherry read recently that Hungary which is vital to Russia invading central Europe is now advocating a NATO of Europe, meaning not including America. This is what the Russians have wanted and now the idea is taking root. I ask you to view this not as your prejudice and bias move you, but from a perspective that all of this has been designed in a huge psyops to goad Russia into invading Europe, where their Army will be killed with poison weapons.
US Spies Concerned About Russia Escalation Risk
What is being tempted for Russia is simple, that is the ammo dump at Moldova. This entire operation is to get Russia into Odessa, and into Moldova in an exposed postion. Hungary will continue to show Russia support that is why Orban is allowed to keep power. Do not think there are places in this world which allow freedom. What was done in Jan6 would be done in Hungary if it was not desired. Thee only reason "protests" which are all glow worm generated are allowed in Europe is to attempt to goad Americans into past Trump mistakes. That is why the DIA lovely, Tucker Carlson was given McCarthyism videos of Jan6. It is to goad the Conthumsp (Constitutional Thumpers) into thinking they should follow Deserter Don again to be abandoned.
Thee American gambit which is like telling the fox to eat chickens while it can, has told the Kiev Nazi to capture as much land as possible for "summer peace talks". What that translates is, send the Nazi's out barefoot to be targets, break though into Crimea, make it a hell hole of house to house fighting, bloody Moscow so it will be ready to accept negotiations, which are intended to lay a Russian genocide mine in the peace, and 50,000 more dead Ukrainian Slavs will buy this "peace".
"The Biden administration is only saying the US will support Ukraine as long as it takes for public posturing and public consumption," said David T. Pyne, an EMP Task Force scholar and former US Army combat arms and headquarters staff officer. "Behind the scenes, they have informed [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky that they will not be able to maintain current levels of US military support past June or so, as we are running low on weapons and ammo to give them. Accordingly, the administration has advised him to capture as much territory as possible in advance of bilateral peace talks with Russia in the summer."
The Lame Cherry has projected that what is being initiated is where those duplicitous Norwegians failed. The Askhenaz oligarchs of Ukraine will be bankrolled by JP Morgan and Vanguard to "rebuild" Ukraine. That trillion dollars will be infused in the new Pax Rus, to use that money to take over Russia through the Russian oligarchs that Putin is in league with. Once corrupted, they will corrupt the states and take the part in the JFK in Dallas by the mafia from 1963 AD in the year of our Lord, one President Vladimir Putin.
While this is taking place, new grounds will be sown in the newly discovered gold fields of Serbia, where Russia will be enticed to move to protect their Christian allies there again.
This blog has warned that Russia must not ever over extend and this "peace" has in it the Trojan Horse of death for Russia.
Do not EVER forget that these Ashkenaz are not Jews first. They hide in Jewry, but their heart is in the legend of the Khazarian Empire, which had it's seat in Kiev. That is why Victoria Nuland installed this guild member Zellinskyy into power, because these racists are killing off the Slavs, want to genocide Russians, and restore their empire on the wheat and oil of this region from the Volga to the Polish border. They will incinerate America in a nuclear war, and would blow up Jew York City and blame the Iranians, to get that empire back as Russia, Europe and America are all expendable
Russia is not breaking anything. Russia is a powerful country, but Russia is being handed victories to condition her to her doom. She will bite on the humiliation of the West and devour herself in the process if she comes out of her bear cave.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said