MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of late President John F. Kennedy, is eyeing a Democratic nomination and could run for president in the US election next year, US media report."I am thinking about it yes. I have passed the biggest hurdle, that my wife has greenlighted it," Kennedy said at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics on Friday, as quoted by Fox News.Kennedy reportedly attended the New Hampshire event along with his wife Cheryl Hines.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is going to preface this, with what will sound like an attack upon Robert Kennedy jr. in his run for the presidency in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord. It is nothing of the sort. What it is, is showing my eyes are wide open about the Kennedy family.
The reason the United States is in such a caustic meltdown is because of Kennedy crimes and liberalism. I greatly admired their namesake in Joseph Kennedy for his abilities, but he was man whore who passed along his worst attributes to his children, along with his wife.
The Kennedy's stole the 1960 election from Richard Nixon. America has never recovered from that. Their surviving son in Teddy, was the most masterful legislator in the 20th century. By him, America was overthrown with Mexican invasion and the corruption of the funding and schooling of America. He knew where the power was and built a system which empowered liberals ,who are now the woke, and now the most mad homosapiens on the planet. We face nuclear obliteration, because liberalism was hijacked and made into Frank Roosevelt's international socialism.
I never had much time for the Kennedy brats. JFK jr was a man whore too. His assassination was but a continued chapter in the Kennedy's just never got the point that they could not walk on water.
Robert Kennedy jr, had his oil thing going on for an expanded trust fund, and was riding the liberal wave like the rest of the treacherous on the left, but then something strange happened to Robert Francis Kennedy jr., thee extermination of humanity was his line in the sand. In those hard days of the Fauci Flu and Trump vax, RFK was a bedrock along with his circle in providing the information Americans needed, in who would read it, of the dangers of this mRNA and what was being foisted upon Americans.
His family was still sniffing the glue, but RFK took a stand and was smeared for it. Americans do owe respect to RFK for his stand against this holocaust vax.
May 8, 2019 ... We love Robert F. Kennedy Jr., but he is part of a misinformation campaign that's having heartbreaking—and deadly—consequences.
For this reason, and many others in my not being in politics any longer, the Lame Cherry is going to produce a white paper on, without being moved by God in any of this that I know, how I would support a Robert Kennedy jr democratic presidency. Ronald Reagan said, "Trust but verify" with the Soviets. The Lame Cherry says, "Get the unbreakable contract signed beforehand, before they turn the key at 1600 Penn Avenue."
I'm not going to bother with the fraud of the democratic primaries. We all know it is this group of impersonators posing as Dictator Biden, and Kamala Harris is not up to the job, with the Obama's lurking around the parlor fireplace sending out orders. Robert Kennedy is going to have to appease that two state zip code sized ass Michelle Obama and their Marxist liberals, or at least lie to them to get them out of he way, like George HW Bush did Conservative Christians.
The Lame Cherry will state that RFK will probably end up like his Uncle and Father, as the cartel is not going to let a bonafied Kennedy near power again to torch them in revenge as Bobby was engaged in. RFK jr might be allowed in the destruction of the system to get the nomination, and then terminated by the same cartel group, in order to split the democratic party wide open, as that is what RFK is going to do. He is not going to unite people who are unbalanced in their genital politics. They will demand that he be even more extreme, but in that, he will never achieve what he needs with the American Right and the American left which is grumbling that this sex perv stuff has just gone too far like the Ukraine proxy war
In that, the Lame Cherry puts forth conditions to support Robert F. Kennedy jr. The first is simply the one which is sign the contract. The beginning of this is simple, just as Obama Inc forced Kamala Harris on Pedo Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy can be a uniter, by nominating Republican Lauren Boebert as his Vice President.
Lauren Boebert would not be some figurehead. She would have the contract. For her to bring in a landslide that could not be a fraud election, RFK would agree to turn over to her administration and appointment:
The Department of Justice
Homeland Security
US Marshals
Border Patrol
It will be Lauren Boebert's nominations for the US Supreme Court and US Courts.
The police state murdered three Kennedys. It is in RFK's interest to have his Vice President clean house and end the weaponization of these agencies. The DIA an CIA were the conduits of all this for foreign interests. This must be handed over to Lauren Boebert as it is Boebert's Republicans who have been hunted down like animals and made political prisoners.
Second, RFK removes every Obama and Biden executive order immediately, and removes the clever manipulation of agencies under these regimes to work against Americans.
In addition, Lauren Boebert will appoint and direct the departments of Interior, EPA and FDA.
There will be an immediate audit of no more than 4 weeks of every department beginning with the Department of Defense. All moneys discovered missing will be returned to the US Treasury and the perpetrators in government and business will be prosecuted.
RFK jr will announce a unilateral cessation of hostilities and sanctions against Russia, providing Russia, providing Russia returns all forces to it's borders, which include the peoples in Donbas and Crimea who legally voted for joining the Russian Federation.
RFK pledges to Russia to form a Hungarian led European "NATO" which includes the border states of Russia, with the promise NATO withdraws support for those member states in favor of their European National Defense.
Anyone in the RFK administration supsected of sabotaging the Vice President will be immediately fired and charged with such crimes which are appropriate.
If Robert Francis Kennedy jr. is sincere in being a President of these United States, thee above is agreement is a necessity in rebuilding a Democratic party which is not led by people who hate the Kennedy's, like the Obama faction.
I would pick thee most notorious and ruthless person in politics to be Robert Kennedy's Chief of Staff to manage this in Rham Emanuel. As along as he grows up, and understands we face genocide by the GOPliters and these perv democrats, and stops playing things like this is a game where there are not consquences for destroying people on the right, then he would be superb in getting done what needed doing in the majority of government that RFK would be directly leading.
RFK does this, this political alliance of the people that Obama mocked in armed Christian Conservatives with genuine liberals intent on making America work for Americans, then he will win and have a Kennedy legacy built on the platform which Abraham Lincoln won on in 1864 AD in the year of our Lord.
Considering what Obama and Eric Holder did to Rod Blagojevich, what Joe Biden did to Larry Sinclair, I do not have a great deal of hope that RFK jr will survive any more than any of the others in his family.
I will though give it a go, the Lord willing if he returns the Democratic Party to something Zell Miller.
Otherwise it is waiting on the Lord Christ's return.
Nuff Said