As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
With the reality that the people of the first and second world have been bilked out of trillions of dollars, not billions, but in these fraud shortages and price fixing based on the Coronavirus Wuhan, in order to initiate the Great Reset, it is time that the people on top, and that starts with Donald the deserter Trump be prosecuted for promoting this injurious COVID vax which has injured and murdered hundreds of thousands of people.
Yes this list includes Dr. Anthony Fauci and the ringleader of pandemics in Bill Gates as much as these conglomerate frauds at Big Pharma, as much as the push by the Pentagon and the AMA to force vaxes onto unwitting people.
Bill Gates though on the heels of his test tube pseudo meat, and Big Egg jacking up food prices, went to Australia, after it was stated was what was being studied next was a pandemic that appeared in Brazil, and killed children.
With that, we now have Bill Gates telling us that the mRNA DOES NOT WORK, as everyone including this blog was censored over, has reported for years. Gates though in having manufactured this disaster on humanity, has stated that the vax should be now fixed.
The three areas:
The vax does not stop people from getting infected.
The vax is not broad enough to protect from the natural mutation of the Coronavirus.
The vax being of no protection, does not last in the human body for very long.
In short, you can think of the mRNA vax as an ice cream cone on a 100 degree summer day. It does not stop the heat from the sun. It does not cool you from the sun, the pavement and the hot wind, and, it melts before you can eat it.
Gates though says that this can be fixed. The Lame Cherry will tell you the only way you can fix this mRNA so it will work.
“We also need to fix the three problems of [mRNA] vaccines,” Gates started. “The current vaccines are not infection blocking. They’re not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people.”
Thee only way you can stop a Coronavirus which infects humans is you first have to understand that you can not stop the virus. That means no vax will ever work against this cure for the common cold and flu. So therefore thee only way that an mRNA vax will ever work, is the mRNA will have to transform humans (which it is doing) into another species that the Coronavirus can not infect. That means that your DNA is going to have to be changed from human to another species, like worm, a grasshopper or perhaps a fish.
The only problem with that is, is that earth has lots of diseases. You change human DNA to be another species, and those species already have diseases that are killing them, so you will then die of what they die of.
What we have witnessed with this mRNA is exactly what we were censored over and warned of. This mRNA enters your cells, as a spike protein, while manufacturing spike proteins outside of your cells, which are called prions. In order to replicate, the mRNA or trigger sequence in the cells is repressed so the natural white blood cell antibodies kill off foreign threats. That suppression unleashes viral bacteria chimera as cancers, it also with immune suppression allows for the remaining white blood cells to seek out and attack prions embedded in body organs like blood vessels, kidneys, heart and they are then damaged.
This mRNA highlights weak spots in the human body and the body then is killed.
Gates though who is looking like he aged 30 years in this past year, is now explaining that a bio terror weapon which was man made, just like the one Anthony Fauci sent to Wuhan China was a bioweapon and was released that caused all of this damage to civilization. Gates though was not clear in explaining what a 'bio terrorist" or "something simliar" is. It is that murky world of his speak though, that after this epic criminal failure of the mRNA vax, that we need something more life altering and that what Gates says is coming is another bio terror weapon which will mass murder children.
Yes that cutting of trees in the Brazilian jungle is what will release all of this. No it will be some spliced Goddamn 3000 year old virus they dug up, send to communist Brazil and then it will be released.
Gates warned about the “next pandemic” after Covid hysteria. The Event 201 sponsor even warned that this one could be man-made by a “bio-terrorist” or something similar.
I apologize for present and future tense. This virus has already been sent and is on location if Gates is dreaming about it.
Universidade de Sao Paulo · Universidade Estadual de Campinas · Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul · Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais · Universidade ...
It is time that everyone involved in this be classified as a bio criminal and be indicted for prosecution for crimes against humanity.
Nuff Said