Thursday, March 9, 2023

So Russia never had any colonies

Mad Med

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry's response to the former president of Russia is simple, concerning the lie he just told in Russia never had a colonial past..........

Russia is ready to help the world do away with the vestiges of a Western-dominated colonial past, former president Dmitry Medvedev has claimed. The official argued that as a nation “which has never had any colonies,” Russia is well-placed to take part in this process.

In an article published on Monday, Medvedev claimed that “geopolitical turbulence has cut open an abscess of the old problems of our world.

The ex-president and now deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, argued that the “malignant tumor of a colonial past” is a problem that calls for “international surgery.

He noted that the Soviet Union played a major role in dismantling the colonial system of the 20th century.

We, together with other countries, can now drive the final nail in the coffin of the Western world’s neo-colonial aspirations,” Medvedev proclaimed in the piece, posted on the United Russia party website.

Russian colonization.

Alyeska which is Alaska was a Russian colony which exploited America.

Russian colonization of North America
Period from 1732 to 1867, when the Russian Empire laid claim to northern Pacific Coast of America

The Russian colonization of North America covers the period from 1732 to 1867, when the Russian Empire laid claim to northern ... read more

Let us not forget you butchering sons of bitches under Catherine the Great.

Mar 4, 2014 ... In a matter of weeks, Russian President Vladimir Putin has gone from showcasing his nation's culture and athletics at the Winter Olympics in ...

Let us not forget murderous Joe Stalin in annexing Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Finland, Iran, Romania, Norway, Finland, Austria, Germany, Manchuria, Japan and Korea.

Let us not forget all the "republics" which were slave labor gulag colonies.

Then there were the Soviet colonies of Angola, Cuba and Afghanistan.

Finally, Mr. ex president, if you are going to play on the big stage, get your facts right, because even if the Lame Cherry agrees with you, I will not support a Goddamn fool who sounds like Kremlin propaganda by the communists.

This is not the Western Nations. This is those damned carpetbagger Asheknazim that you pushed out of Ukraine, into Europe and they exported to the world in their revolution. Your people did this Mr. Medvedev and now they want their empire back.

So get your facts straight as you are the fool who was mugging with Birther Obama when you thought these same cartel cronies loved you.

Nuff Said

