Thursday, March 9, 2023

White Snow for White People


Stop asking me if I am a caucologist

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Isn't it just amazing that weather in America follows borders, like the Canadian border and in the evidence below, the Interstate 94 corridor in North Dakota. In this case Nazi North Dakota has so much snow in Fargo it would cease to exist so can't be having that, at least if you are the Ashkenazim lezbos of Germany who have seized control of HAARP and are using it as a genocide weapon.

Good news though, the Lame Cherry is right the center of this is again, Brookings South Dakota, the phobic hatred of the lezbo HAARPERs centers on this area.

A week of snow. Yes indeed as only HAARP can make it.

Do not think California is kaput though as the quake guy was wrong on his natural quakier for California and the world, so it appears that California is going to get another once in 1000 year flood with all their water tanks full. A week of wet on all those invaders. I would think HAARPERs would be less racist in this. Is ok to tune up them Christians in the umm Dakotas who are Caucasians, but to hit them rainbow colours is just racist.

Anyway, got to find some picture of a weather skirt to post this as I have things to do. Am seeing spikes in temperatures in this though, meaning heat. Think it will form some bad situations, like the plains have had about 6 incidents of icing this winter........normally them might get an ice event once every 20 years. It is HAARP though making it cold when the atmosphere is warm in this drought cycle.

Enjoy as the weather is at war over you.
