Saturday, March 4, 2023

Ukraine cover for Weather Terrorism in America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For all the headline grabbing in Ukraine, people in the United States are being distracted from the weather warfare which is being unleashed from California to New York.

I was talking to a frozen foods guy, a guy I have known since junior high, and he was saying, "You know I have 5 feet of snow in my backyard. I can't find the hole I dug for my sump pump, because you know, things are getting so late now, that spring is going to be summer, and you know what that means".

What he was saying is, a terror flood is building on this immense snow pack which has been created since Thanksgiving, beginning in North Dakota and is being added to. I do not know the moisture content of this chem snow, but the temperatures are being deliberately dropped the first weeks across America of March.

There should be temperatures in Fargo North Dakota which approach 40 degrees. There is something strange going on the north country in the sun is now so hot that you could get a tan, but the nights are dropping to almost instant freeze temperatures. That chem snow is a strange long chain in how it reacts to solar radiation.

Here is what HAARP is producing across America this coming week. Fargo I have been told had 3 feet of snow by Christmas. It has had feet more, and as you can see below, there are 2 more feet of snow going to be produce in an unheard of snow dump for a week, at temperatures which are low.

What you probably do not understand in the rest of America, is what the dynamics are in the frozen north. The ground is FROZEN. It is not like California with snow that melts and soaks into the soil. The snow runs off, into the rivers and it floods. If there is 6 inches of moisture in this snow, it is amplified to 30 inches as it does not soak in.  By delaying the temperatures rising, that means as my friend observed, a rapid melt, which causes flooding in the south of this region in the north, which will be weeks later and that area is soaked from HAARP storms these past months.

The Lame Cherry has something for you to look for. I have no projections this far out, but in watching the terrorism from these Crazy Eddie lezbo's of HAARP operating in Europe, as war in Europe is looming in Russia being assisted, is watch for a superstorm sometime in this fast melt. I watched an event like this in the Brier years ago. We had a few feet of snow, but it started raining. We received about 5 inches of rain, on frozen ground. The snow melted in one night, and all that water ran into the streams. Everything flooded and it flooded downstream in other states. If the HAARPERS continue as they have in this terrorism,  it would stand to reason that a water bomb storm is going to be unleashed in the same mode of the Gushers which have been featured here, the T shaped storm that ran for days from Idaho to Pennsylvania.

People are aware of the dioxin poison in Ohio, but do not consider the toxic chem snows which have piled up and are about to be unleashed into the American watershed.

There is as in Ohio terror events to everything else in America, there is not any hiding what Americans are being holocausted by. This weather warfare is setting up to be a flood bomb. Perhaps these sodden panty girls are not that smart, and blind by hatred, but their actions have shown malevolence in the worst kind of murderous rage. The melt is being concentrated and added to this week. We will see if they apply the finishing punch. If it comes they will have to tap a jet of moisture off California, Washington or the Gulf, depending where they attack from. If this appears, it should start appearing after March 15th. The time limit is operating in this as the sun is very warm as someone amped it up as a popular took credit for by God's Grace. There are over 3 minutes of daylight added each day. In two weeks that is over an hour of solar energy added each day. The melt could be slowed in a non drought cycle, but the sky is warm, blue sky warm. HAARP will lose control of this warm up in the next weeks.

We will then experience what the agenda was in all of this and if the projections are correct.

I do hope my estimate in the forensic psychology of this is wrong.

Nuff Said
