Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The United States Must End the Ukraine Connection


You are a fucking psychopath. America is done with you.
Go take a bath you grubby little bastard.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The United States has a real problem in having gotten into bed with the Thug Slavics of Poland, Ukraine, Jewry,  Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, due to the fact that they are willing to vaporize the United States, Western Europe and Russia, for their lives.

These peoples are insane naturally in something is missing in them psychologically.

Dictator Biden tried to tell these psychopaths that the war is lost in Ukraine, but their response is to start a nuclear war between America and Russia to "win" this, like Grubber Zellinskyy thinks he is winning.

NEVER forget that the Ashkenazism oligarchs rule all of these shit holes. Never forget that Kiev and all of Ukraine is thee old Ashkenaz empire of the Khazars. They want the Slavs of Ukraine dead. They want Russians dead. They want the Americans dead. They want the Europeans dead, so they can have their dead empire back.

US President Joe Biden “pressed” the leaders of the Baltic nations over their calls for Russia to be defeated in Ukraine, an informed source told the Wall Street Journal.

Biden raised the issue with the presidents of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia during his visit to Poland's capital Warsaw in late February, the outlet reported on Friday, citing a person briefed on the conversations.

The source did not reveal exactly what the US president said, but noted that Biden's words left “doubts among officials as to whether Washington believed that [Ukraine’s victory on the battlefield] was a realistic goal.”

In its article, the WSJ pointed to “concerns” among Kiev’s allies in Eastern Europe about “the thinking emerging in Western capitals that Ukraine should prepare at some stage for negotiations with the Kremlin.”

Now you know what horse is in this for this financier group. They are leading around Europeans and Americans, because they OWN the conglomerates that own the Capitals. They have all of these Semite Peoples now at war with the Sons of Japheth in Moscow. This is their Great Game, have everyone kill everyone and rule the ashes.

Big Blast At Major Moscow Area Power Plant

Explosions Heard As Ukes Hit Crimea
...Likely With Full US Assistance

The United States must unhitch itself to this woke dictatorship of the cartel. The United States must cut itself completely off from this Ukraine death trap, and inform Moscow that it will work to establish assurances for Russian security and inform Moscow this will never happen again. Russia will not believe the liars of the DC Co Opters, but it may keep America and Europe from getting nuked by the machinations of these psychopaths of Kiev and their surrounding fiefdoms.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
