Saturday, March 4, 2023

Trek III - The Blooded Spirit


So much out there wanting a taste of blood.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Our Trek III was begun 3 days after Trek II which was not enough time to recover, but when one is dealing with the end times tools of satan, you have to show your true grit and undertake things that you never would.

To address the points in the reasoning for this. I do not have a tractor which is up to dealing with the titanic ice berg snow we have as people do not donate as they should. I do not have a 4 x 4 pickup in people have not donated who should. I have to beg and rely on others, who I thought I could trust, in knowing them since I was a kid. In these end times the love of many will wax cold and I have had nothing but satan tools this winter in trying to have the cattle fed.

How we have been feeding the cattle is jacking an 1800 pound bale, a small car without wheels, into the lot and feeding the cattle that way. I tore my tricep in this and stretched things I should not be stretching.

I had asked my neighbor two weeks ago if he would have some hay. He replied he would and would get things done. Instead of even coming and getting our snowed under hay bales, he appeared with 6 shitty corn stalk bales. We had another HAARP storm system with 20 below weather and the cattle looked pretty rough after that kind of low quality feed. I can not bitch allot as I need to have these people do things for me, until the time some people donate as they should have all along as this blog has saved their lives a dozen times over.

So we asked again on Monday night, and I got the brush off, and "We'll see what happens". That shocked TL and I. The situation we have is last time we got 2 inches of snow, it all ended up in 4 feet of drifts in our driveway because my rich farmer neighbors leave no cover on their field. Trek II was due to that in the roads were not cleared out for 5 days.

So in assessing this in God's Inspiration, I told TL we can not have the livestock suffer like that, as the food is bad, the roads will be not cleared and I don't know where we can get any hay delivered as the roads are HAARP horrid. The only solution was to bring the cattle the 4 miles distance home in the one morning on Tuesday before the storm and cold set in.
We have food for the cattle, but our genius neighbors can't be told anything, so they stacked the hay at the end of the driveway and it is all frozen under the banks of snow. Yes they know so much as I had our hay up in the yard where I could get at it.

8 o'clock on Tuesday just after sunrise we were at Grandpas. I had to walk a mile to round them up, as they had busted a path to the back of the pasture where the snow had blown away and they had food. So an hour of that, we had the cattle out of the gate, and they did not want to leave. Yes winter sucks and animals get scared.

I have an old bull who is like 15 years old. He really went down hill in this HAARP terrorism and I thought he could make the trip home. He quite after a half mile, so we left him and continued on. It took us 3 hours in which I walked double in herding cattle, a wearing 7 miles that morning.

We go them settled at home and back we went to the bull, who had tried walking back, but took a short cut in the ditch and when I tried to get him out, he simply went down. You can not move a 1500 pound bull. So I put a chain on him and dragged him out to the road and he would not get up.

So I have been betrayed by the neighbor over there who lied to us and really humiliated me in a condescending lecture. I had just been lied to by the neighbor I counted on. I had asked the genius who stacked the hay and I got a NO, that is all.
We had no one to turn to, a storm was coming and I could not leave an animal on the road. I was not going to get sued if some idiot hit him and I was not going to get into trouble for "abandoning" an animal.

God smiled after two tries to get someone to help, in I found a distant relative on his tractor.  He smiled and said he would help. I had expected another humiliation.  When we got back to the bull, he had recovered by God's Holy Angels and was up. He once again tried to go into the ditch, was hit over the head and poked and changed his mind. I walked him the half mile slow, rested him and in the end got him up to Grandpa's yard, where either satan or God, had him decide he wanted to got the deep snow path after I had blazed a path for him, and he eventually fell down there. He was not going to get better. The best I could have done was keep him going and he might have died in a day, a week, or would be dead by summer if he made it, as he was old. He is now a dead lawn ornament on Grandpa's lawn until the snow melts.

So betrayals killed a pet bull we had. If these people had kept their word, all of this misery and suffering would not have happened. I keep my animals to the day they die, because they earn it. It is not economic sense like donors stealing from what they read here and spending money on themselves for luxury while I struggle with this shit going on, but it is what it is. No rewards for them in hell later.
I will not sell an animal to the slaughter houses which hire Mexicans who beat the animals, and if this bull had gone down, they would have dragged him into the plant in terror as they slit his throat. No one deserves that kind of Mexican death, even non donors.

So I was grateful that God somehow in a miracle solved the problem of the bull going down. Sometimes all you get is an outcome which is not as shitty as the other one.

So at this moment the cattle are in the driveway out of the wind. I have panels set up on the driveway as the deep snow is the fence. They are self feeding in the bale pile. I will have to dig snow out by a hand shovel tomorrow and get something working so they are not wandering around the yard and can sort of be in a pen to get water and feed off the bale pile.
Thank God for JYG's hog panels as I put them to use.

This was and is about survival. You should know that the people you have trusted are going to betray you. You should know that if you are a Christian, God did move another guy to scoop out our drive and clear some of the road after Trek II. God moved the relative with the tractor to be a good neighbor. He even mentioned that, so there must have been some gossip about all the shit that has been happening.
Lastly on Trek II, someone had cleared the snow in the driveway which puzzled me. I thought perhaps it was the guy we had bought two loads of hay from earlier as the tracks went that way. It turned out that it was a 3rd Good Samaritan. some one most people have had nothing but bad things to say about. He was drunk and feeling no pain when he stopped and told us it was him, but we thanked him and it just proved all those democrats and catholics saying how great they are, were the ones who caused all of this harm. It was the people who do not go to Church who were the ones who were the Good Samaritans.

So yeah, I have a ripped apart Spirit in me. It is bloodied. It has been HAARP horrific, from starting out with a pile of dead baby kittens in November to dead pets, to dead livestock  to dead bull, I'm greatly displeased by this all in how people who have money, just break their word and leave people on the side of the road to die.

I have no idea what God is going to do to these people. I pray the HAARPsters are tormented in hell long enough to satisfy me. I wonder why God is teaching us about long walking trips and finding solutions in desperate situations, which is what I do it seems all the time. I do not know if it is for me in being moved or if this is for those who will survive, have donated and are picking up pointers in how to survive.

I had to do allot more leg work today. I do ache, but the only burning pain is in the right hip when I moved panels. I had a doozy of a ripped feeling pectoral muscle yesterday as I was closing a gate that was snowed in. That one made me stop and think I better slow down for the rest of the day. God healed me in a few moments, Thank God, but as it is, I should have rested today, but animals come first. I should have rested, but it is going to be the cold night tonight, not tomorrow, so I had to burn wood to get the house warmed up. At this moment I have to finish this up and go tend the wood as that needs my attention too.

Most of you people are going to die. There is not any way you are going to be able to walk out of any situation, have God provide Samaritans when you are betrayed and have the common reasoning to think your way through things which are impossible by God's Grace in order to survive.

I know there is going to be silent glee when these vaxed people all succumb. I will pretend to show sympathy, but the will get all theye deserve after the hell, they, and the non donors have put us through.

I was exhausted before all of this began last fall, again from a bunch of liars who promised things and did not follow through.

As impossible all of this has been for us, it is going to be so much more thoroughly horrendous for people who are not me.

Nuff Said
