Wednesday, March 1, 2023



Wow, I have been starving for five days, and am thirsty.
Look at all that water, and not a drop to drink. Sure glad I escaped to here.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I just wrote to Richard and Stephanie, in the completion of TREK II, in wondering why God is bestowing these experiences on us, in I now wonder if we will have to walk out of here some year or perhaps it is of benefit to you non donors, as you are not going to make it, an of blessing to the donors who will have an understanding of what they will face.

As we started out our 8 miles, I checked the weather as I always check the weather. It was 9:30 and the HAARPforecasters predicted southeast winds, which would turn to west at noon. As YOU NEVER WANT TO walk into the wind in winter, I figured that even with the wind event they were predicting in the warming of air would cause greater winds, at 5 degrees and moving to the mid twenties, I figured we could make the hike, take care of the livestock  and be a half hour on the walk home with the wind at our backs.........even with a gale like we get and fuzzy landscapes of blowing snow.

It was interesting as the southeast winds, turned south, two miles in, and by the 3rd, it was in the southwest. At the last mile they went west and that meant HAARPers were an hour off or they saw us on drones and fucked with us.

No place to go but onward when you are on foot, so we moved the hay rings so the cattle would clean things up as 20 below weather burns food through animals like a whore with a credit card. I then started noticing the fuzzies coming across the multi million dollar farmer's fields. See they clear their fields so no snow sits on them, and that way they can get in early. That means people like me have ten times the snow in our yards and the highways have lots more snow stuck to them. I wonder when people are going to start suing these big shot farmers for millions when they slide off the road as that would end this scorched earth selfishness, which is why we were walking as all the snow from our big farmers was in our driveway and main road.

As the fuzzies were not getting any worse, it did not matter as we had to get home again, white out or not, we took off again.

My right hip burned a little, but that burned out and as we reached the mile home, my butt and upper back legs were burning some. I can deal with that as it is not the groin muscles lifting the legs. I was chattering stories at TL as usual to keep our minds off of the fatigue and the pain. TL was having more problems with sore feet.

A mile from home we met our neighbor who was sliding snow off the road with a skid steer. He has always been a good neighbor to us. Asked if we were out enjoying our walk or snowed in. We said snowed in, and with that he offered to scoop us out in one of those it will even out in the long run. I will get him a gift certificate and case of beer, and still help him out if necessary.

So he started cleaning things, and the other neighbor stopped and said his tractor had gelled up in the diesel fuel from the cold. I wondered if he had died or got sick........he said he would get things going to scoop us out later that day and the road crew would have the roads open by the next day (After 4 days of sitting there blocked in.)

I hope you whiz bang know it alls are paying attention to this stuff, as you are going to find out all kinds of normal bad shit happens that you are going to have survive with. Things you count on will not be working.

So we get home, and sit down to rest and John bangs on the door. He has opened our road up as in his words, "I know what it is like to be snowed in for a week and wanting to get the fuck out."

I thanked him and we walked down to see he had an 8 foot path scooped which we almost got stuck in the next day, as our roads were not cleared yet. Big surprise.

I actually, and TL did too, felt good. I was not aching, and some advil solved what was going on in our legs. The next day my ankles were sore where the boots rubbed and TL was more sore in back of the kneed. In having to do chores again by the afternoon, I was getting some ouches in my upper groin.

No we could not have done another 8 mile trek the next day. I probably could have done 12 the first day though, which was an improvement from TREK I.

I'm tired, but then I have been scooping snow for the past two weeks with TL by hand to get out. It has been 20 below cold. It has been burning wood without any rest with all of this stress for five days. It takes allot of work to burn wood in watching to keep things going.

I'm pleased for us in being in shape, we hurt worse on TREK I, but having ploughed through snow for two months, we were better in TREK II. I am healing from allergies that make things ache, so that is always a consideration, as much as the necessity of thicker stockings which will stay up in boots.

The pair of boots I found in JYG's wagon, I will feature and have reconditioned, but I WOULD NEVER wear something like them on a TREK like this, as another foot was inside which never will match my feet, and I am not going to have blistered and bleeding feet on a walk, which will take a week to recover as I do not have that kind of time.

When we started this TREK II, I told TL sullenly, "I am going to make a mistake in walking over there as the roads will be open or I will make a mistake in waiting and the roads will not be open". By God's Grace as TL said, it was not a mistake in going over there as the roads were not opened and the animals needed tending.

As I have stated, you people do not have it in you to push through which is what is necessary to survive. You quit. You rely on money to try and solve things, and as I have in frustration said this year to TL, "Money won't solve these kinds of problems. Most Brier things require the Lord God". That is a pisser of a deal from an ecclesiastical point of view, and it is tiring for me from a Proverbial reality as I am responsible for things and I have learned that you can not rely on other people.

I look at my nieces in I have 3 of them. One lives here, one lives in the metro and one lives to hell and back. The one who lives here could not walk the miles to get out. The one in the metro could not walk out without a rude ending. The one to hell and gone is so far out, that by the time you walked somewhere, you would still not have a damn thing, and God forbid you got caught out in the winter.

Still waiting on donations, I think if I had to walk, I would rather TL and I could arrive at some mules or horses. I am with God, good enough at this game to camp at day and ride at night on the lay of the land. Lots of people are going to get picked off staying on those shooting gallery roads in waiting too long to get out in the transition.

I had planned to make some I am not going to reveal that to non donors, but I was going to make some duck and goose hunting floats, and that is going to be a priority. Thee original plan was a shallow water, self contained thing that could be slept in and carry supplies. I would have to drive west a hundred miles to get to a drainage where I would want to drain, as I sure as hell ain't floating east into that Goddamn metro predator shit holes of death. Too many big population areas on rivers and come hard times, you don't want to run into on the river bank anything that survived nuclear war, plague and starvation as they won't be Sunday social people.

200 miles would get me to the country which is hell and gone, but the Indians and cold are not a year round life prolonging experience in my chances. I just hope to God I do not have to Trek or Float out. Damned rivers will probably glow in the dark with radioactive wash off.

Something more for me to ponder. Perhaps build if I get a welder that will tune up aluminum which is on the next agenda list Maybe show up here to educate you, but it will be things you will never do as you like the way things are, even if they are not going to last.

Yes big donations serve you. They finance the ideas which you will survive and by God the Holy Ghost has me work things out, so you do not get yourself killed with your fool ass ideas.
