Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Zellinskyy is not our Jew in Kiev


You little Americans do not understand, I do not answer to you.
America answers to the lords who placed me into power.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Like most of you, I have no idea what Ukraine is. I know their radioactive grapes they sell here in the grocery store are very good and I know they have an abundance of attractive women, but that is about all I ever cared to know about Ukraine.

There is this thing though with this guild member Grubber Zellinskyy with his dirty green t shirts, his constant looking like a killer from the alley and his absolute psychotic, which is indeed psychopathic in Zellinskyy would kill the world with nuclear war, as long as his faction "won". Zellinskyy does not give a damn that Americans are being erased and replaced, that we are under HAARP weather terrorism as he basks in balmy winter warmth, that we can not pay our bills, that out dream is dead, that Ukraine gets billions of dollars while toxic dump Ohio doesn't get shit from the Washington Co Opters. There is absolutely zero empathy in this man in Kiev for anyone in the west. He gets billions of dollars and he wants billions more. He gets the best NATO has in weapons, and he wants more super weapons. He slaughters over 200,000 Ukrainians, and he is kidnapping people off the streets for more Slavic genocide. There simply is a disconnect with humanity in this man of Kiev to the rest of humanity.

If you read the things he is jabbering about below, he is now threatening the United States, which will be swept away if they do not follow Zellinskyy's leadership. America must destroy herself according to Zellinskyy, to save Ukraine, or America will be destroyed. It makes absolutely no sense, no more than his new manifesto of the YEAR OF INVINCIBILITY where Zellinskyy forces thee entire world to hate Russia.

How this global hatred is going to take place, Zellinskyy does not explain, because Russia has some very, very sold allies in North Korea, China, India, Iran, Brazil, Venezuela, who are not going to join in this Russophobic isolation which will produce a nuclear war. That is what Russia has stated, in the time Russia faces defeat as a nation to exist, it will launch thousands of nuclear warheads on her enemies.

Not even the United States Rainbow Warriors in Blinken and Austin have called for this kind of combined world against Russia, as they comprehend the consequences and are working for a humiliated Russia as in Afghanistan, which would not longer be a militant outward bearing nation.

Meet you on the other side.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has warned Americans to keep supporting Kiev or risk geopolitical irrelevance, during a press conference on the anniversary of Russia’s military operation in the country. Should it stop funding the war effort, the US will "lose the leadership position that they are enjoying in the world," the Ukrainian leader declared on Friday. 

"If they do not change their opinion…they will lose NATO, they will lose the clout of the United States, they will lose the leadership position they are enjoying in the world," Zelensky declared, following a speech in which he declared 2023 the "Year of Invincibility" and vowed to unite the world against Russia.

So the question in this, is, "Who does Volo Zellinskyy work for?" We know that State Department skirt, Victoria Nuland is the one who funded the overthrow of the Government of Ukraine for other installed leaders, which Zellinskyy is a scion of. This process is muddled as there are lines blurred in Hillary Clinton was hiring Ukrainian computer security people who lied that Russia hacked her emails to promote this Russophobic narrative. There were Ashkenaz Ukrainians who were part of the coup against Donald Trump. Yet in all of this "power" of American control, we find London MI6 actually promoting the nuclear conflict of Kiev and Warsaw against Moscow, where America and Germany would be nuked.

There was a strange bedfellow series of events which have taken place in the past year. Dictator Biden told a bitching Zellinskky that he could show a bit more understanding and appreciation of what America is doing for Ukraine. That lecture followed Zellinskky appearing in America with chumming around with Biden and being handed a blank check by Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell for the financial and military industrial centers in America who are making billions on this Kiev lend lease sham.

With all of that going on, Zellinskyy is moved to threaten the United States with being swept aside, his only real benefactor. As Mosaad operative Victor Ostrovsky stated in his memoirs, whenever a Mosaad agent was getting away with murder and rape, and no one in Tel Aviv was doing anything about it, it was said "they had a horse backing them".

So who is Zellinskyys horse as he certainly is shitting the big turds on the United State with complete carte blanche and making Joe Biden swallow.

The Lame Cherry featured an article on Veterans Today which explained that 85% of the wealth in Ukraine is in the hands of 50 Ashkenaz families, the mafia. The Lame Cherry is not going to make this a Jewish issue, for the simple reason this is not about Jews as Ashkenaz are converts from the Khazarian Empire to Talmudic Jewry.  It is this behind the curtain that Zellinskyy's power is. Zellinskyy was a retard actor like Al Franken, not that long ago. Like Franken, he became a media prop. Franken went after Rush Limbaugh and Zellinskyy for one of the Ashkenaz oligarchs who manage Ukraine media created a comedy role about a teacher ranting in class, is recorded on a cell phone and the rant goes viral, and he becomes president rallying against corruption. Zellinskyy campaigned on that, but he was the fox in the hen house, as his oligarchs are all where the money and power flow is.

This part needs to be understood. Ukraine has Nazis, who were loyal to Adolf Hitler. I think they are called Bandera or something after their leader back in the day. These brown shirts were the thugs that Victoria Nuland paid for the Ashkenaz oligarchs to gain political control of Ukraine. This is part you need to read slowly. Say you are a rich person in, Alberta Canada in controlling oil, wheat and the media, but that is all you are. The Lame Cherry does not know the reasoning in this, but for globalist International Socialist reasons, the fag billionaire hedgefunders that George W. Bush and Karl Rove created to create centralized control over American conglomerates and turn them into Socioconglomerates, have moved into Ukraine to manage Ukraine in looting for lend lease, and the sales of US arms to the shit holes of the world that have been sent to Ukraine. Black Rock is behind this management as the hedge and JP Morgan is now going to provide the finance to rebuild Ukraine. This is going to be worth trillions of dollars in pillaging this nation. .Now remember in this, that Zellinskyy welcomed Black Rock and Morgan, but remember in this that you are that rich Canadian, just like these rich oligarchs in Ukraine, for some reason the fiefdoms have been plugged directly into Wall Street in global finance. They will be in control of wealth that is being generated that will make the Saudi's look like paupers in a few years.

In typing this, the only reason an intelligence operation like this would take place is for a bigger score. What the Lame Cherry concludes in this is, just as Ronald Reagan, plugged in the Catholics religion and the Saudi money to bring down the Soviet Union. this popular girl concludes that these oligarchs, who are Russia experienced are going to be the finance, the economic warfare which will obliterate the Russian economy. Norway of North Stream terrorism, attempted to do this for the CIA and MI6 for a decade but failed in their wresting control of Russia. That is what I believe the conclusion is in this. Economic warfare is about to be unleashed, not in sanctions but polluting Russia with so much money that the nation is corrupted and will not function. Once that kind of corruption wrests the power from the Russian oligarchs that Putin is allied with, this will produce the situation where a coup will succeed in corrupted Russia, as the one financed against the Czars. The promise in this is, that the Ukrainian oligrachs will seize control of all the wealth of Russia again, that Vladimir Putin wrenched from the Rothschilds at the beginning of his rise to power, and this will be the super Hedgefund and JP Morgan CIA MI6 tryst of quadrillions of value, which no person or nation could ever withstand in this global conglomerate socio police state.

Zellinskyy does not work for America. He is not working for Black Rock or JP Morgan. They were invited in. This is the guiding hand of the international socialists, who American finance and industry is controlled by in this centralized system This is why Zellinskyy is rude, has zero empathy and will throw America to the wolves, as he has a horse in this who dwarfs the United States.

That is what real power is in this Great Game India. The United States did foster Kiev in this overthrow, ,but those who did this are working for the same people Zellinskyy is protected by, so Washington DC is in fact under direction from Kiev in the oligarchs who are plugged into the real power in Europe which is behind the shadows and never see, only the holocaust results.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Nuff Said

