Sunday, May 7, 2023

Big Top Bidens

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was thinking about the murderous and coup plotting end that Samaria fell to. The very people Americans were birthed from, repeated their history in the United States and every corrupt regime of the West.

The thing that is amusingly liberating to the Lame Cherry is there are so much bigger things out there than the American police state, as this was explained to each of you.

Here are the realities out there that the FBI has no idea they are even there.

There is the cartel which is going to throw the American police state to it's elimination once their purpose is finished for the cartel.

Then there is the anti Christ.

Of course the top of the pile is the Lord God.

None of them have the least use for the police state.

These grande predators of the police state, think that there is nothing on earth that can equal them and no one can touch them. They won't be hunted by the anti Christ, won't be hunted by the cartel and won't be hunted by the Lord God, because the cartel already has their number, the anti Christ has it's own demonic state and God, has a number or solutions for the majority on this earth.

It must be allot like a deer in the thicket, watching humans flush a wolf, which ends up running into an ambush and is pelted out there hung on a tree.

In Samaria, the leader were dangled like puppets which is what they were. It is amazing to me to see people so powerful, so protected as the occupants of the Oval Office, having secret files dumped into their homes and framed, just like Jan6ers and they can't say a word about it. They just have to take it. I know I would rather be a free adult than a Dictator who fondles kids for a john fee in wondering what I would have to do today in bending at the butt to save my ass.

Being a Protestant Christian, I just can not fathom selling myself for in this world and yet all the people we have presented before us in all those powerful positions, have done just that. You don't get rich working for it and you don't get power without selling out for it.

So in being whose I am,  I just sit here amused in watching this live theater. The powerful put on quite a show when they think there is not bigger things out there they never thought of. Amusements help in the times a person feels small, but then being the mouse in a herd of elephants on the rampage is always better than being something big that an elephant sure can't miss stepping on.

Nuff Said
