As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As the non donors provided the lesson in not supporting the Lame Cherry, putting TL and I on a forced march awhile back to expose that the non donors are all going to die in place or with sore muscles in some ditch in trying to evacuate, I am moved for good people to post about vehicles as most people will depend upon them.
I am not going to talk about computers, fuel injection or fuels in these vulnerable new pick ups. What I am going to explain are a few basics which no one is going to tell you, but Bugsy and I were discussing before the HAARP super storm.
I am going to show you a few photos, compared to the one above to illustrate and teach you something
The first picture teaches a great deal. You will say that this vehicle is stuck. The Lame Cherry will correct you and inform you that this vehicle is HUNG UP. You can not get a four wheel drive vehicle stuck. It is impossible. What you get is a vehicle gets hung up as it spins down to the frame.
As long as you can move a four wheel drive forward and back a few inches, you are not hung up or stuck, and you can in this front and back motion of rocking the vehicle, walk yourself out.
You must use the natural roll of the vehicle in motion front and back to assist you, and in cold weather not spin your tires as they heat up and melt snow and ice and get you held in place worse.
Meet you on the other side.
What else is wrong with this vehicle is what Bugsy said about his Expedition. It has those damn step ups on the side. They are what hang vehicles up. You have to shovel under them, and makes it harder to shovel under the axles to get the vehicle from being hung up.
Another major problem here is, not all tires are the same. If you look at the old Ford on top. You will see no wide tires. Wide tires work up to a point. They work in sand or mud predominantly. As you can see in the girly photo the tire is worn slick from spinning in the mud. That is not any grip and that is what you need is GRIP. Some tires are for ice, some for snow, some for mud and sand, but those wide tires require more power to push the vehicle and you get them in snow, and you will float on top, until you stop and then you sink in like a rock in a pond, and you are hung up.
So you want on your vehicle, gripping tires of a higher ply on the outside walls so things do not poke through the tire. You want a NARROW tire, not a wide tire, as narrow tires will sink in sand and mud which most of you will never drive in, but it will get you through most other things like snow easier as it cuts a more narrow path.
In growing up, all we had on the pickups were those hard old grip tires which were narrow. I only got hung up once, and that was in the spring, driving in a slough which I should not have been, and the pick up just sunk in the mud as the frost went out. Narrow grip tires.
What you do need is a tow rope, a big heavy over rated tow rope not the wimpy shit below which will snap. If you can, put a winch on your vehicle as in most cases you can pull yourself out. I am not going into the dangers of pounding in cross stake anchor bars as they come loose and snap like a slingshot. I am just saying in most cases with chains and tow ropes you can pull yourself out. The fact is in most cases, go around what you see, as it takes longer to pull yourself out.
The last picture is supposed to be the ultimate camping packages an they at least have narrow tires. The profile is too high. Again DO NOT EVER jack your vehicle up. It makes them top heavy and they can tip over. You do not want these 10 and 20 ton campers either as they burn fuel and they are just too heavy to get around off road or back roads. That one with the woman standing by it is hanging in the back, that means the front is floating and you will have problems steering in slippery conditions or wind. If you vehicle is hanging or you have tires that look flat with just 35 pounds of air in them, you got too much weight on, which means you will sink, will wear your vehicle out or break in rough driving and you will be walking and die as you are not in shape to walk.
That old Ford up on top, with more grip in the tires is what I would call my dream vehicle for getting anywhere and getting out. The old GMCs are very good pickups too and the Chevy's will do ok too. Get an older 1960's Dodge and they are tough vehicles too. But you are not going to be driving them a thousand miles. These are the Oregon wagon things that will get your there, if you go slow and pay attention.
I will add, that I do not like the new pickups in their electronic switching to four wheel drive. They do not respond well in cold weather. I prefer the old gears you shifted in the pickup and locked in the hubs on the outside which wokesters would not figure out.
What I prefer is mute due to non donors, but what is not mute is the tires. Get narrow tires with grips.
Most of you have vehicles which will be the death of you.
More million dollar knowledge from the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives.
Nuff Said