Saturday, May 6, 2023

Bud Psyops


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just an observation, this Bud Lite theater has a feel of a psyop, a bait and switch a giving you nothing, and making you think you are fighting back and accomplishing something against the woke.

Seriously, nothing has affected any of these wokester CIA MI6 cartel fronts. Disney is going pedo worse like it has endless cash, Coke ventured in, and went silent. This Bud Lite is just a diversion that is worthless for you politically or anything else.

Does not matter, because the deep pockets of this will continue as child rape made legal is going to progress as the infection is in the Gen Boy minds, and it is coming from the fringe right.

2 days ago ... Anheuser-Busch CEO Distances Company from Dylan-Mulvaney Partnership: 'One Post, Not a Formal Campaign'. Anheuser-Busch InBev ...

You are allowed your wins in Tucker Carlson, have some backstage drama and he arrives again on the stage, drawing you in further. Your boycott of Bud Lite is orchestrated. You are being played.  Comprehend that and move by the left flank.

Nuff Said
