Monday, May 29, 2023

Theodore Childress Wills


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was watching Chill Wills in a Gunsmoke episode and was stunned by what an exceptional actor he really was. I had enjoyed him in McClintock with John Wayne, in that outstanding comedy. Wayne in North To Alaska was a fantastic comedic actor too which he never gained credit for.

Wills though was as good as Peter Ustinov, who won the best supporting actor Grammy, the same year that Wills was nominated. He was a remarkable talent that people never appreciated.

In that, we all remember Ronald Reagan in supporting Barry Goldwater in 1964 for President. What you are not aware, is other actors supported Barry Goldwater and they were big names.

In 1963–1964, Wills joined William LundiganWalter Brennan, and Efrem Zimbalist Jr. in making appearances on behalf of U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater, the Republican nominee in the campaign against U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson. Later, in 1968, Wills refused to support Richard Nixon for the presidency and served as master of ceremonies for George C. Wallace, former governor of Alabama, for the California campaign stops in Wallace's presidential campaign. Wills was among the few Hollywood celebrities to endorse Wallace's bid against Nixon and Hubert H. Humphrey; another was Walter Brennan.

As the above can attest, Chill Wills was a purest as Walter Brennan was. He was not going to support a socialist in Nixon nor a fledgling marxist in Humphrey. Smearing George Wallace as a White Suprem is not correct. Wallace's issue like slavery was on State's Rights. Wallace has proven correct as with all the laws outlawing White People, every race has not melded together in the least. They are all segregated even more so and after Obama peddled hatred, disliking each other even more.
