Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Exposing what fools Globalists are in the WEF

We are the children of God. Our spiders have built us worlds
in which we will now fill with the wonders of the best of us.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The scientific part of me is a Futurist as I project how the best course for humanity would be. In that, instead of joining the fray of how bad the WEF Klaus Schwab globalists are one more time, the Lame Cherry exposes them for their flat world, flat mind and inferior capacity they exhibit as Darwins in not be naturally fit nor able to survive without extermination.

In that the DIA glow worm of Elon Musk is just as self limiting.

There is an asteroid between Mars and Jupiter called 16 Psyche. You can read of her properties below.

Meet you on the other side.

The word asteroid brings to mind a structure in everyone’s mind: a minor planet or a space rock of the inner solar system. Nevertheless, there is one asteroid that is so rich in precious metals that if we capture it and divide it equally amongst us, then everyone on this planet will become a billionaire.

A massive metal asteroid between Mars and Jupiter is known as 16 Psyche.

According to Forbes, 16 Psyche, a 140-mile-wide (226-kilometer-wide) asteroid could contain a core of iron, nickel, and gold worth $10,000 quadrillion.

A real visionary for humanity would not be wasting time on Mars missions, creating insolvent AI nor exterminating people, as people are the asset of the best dynamic for the future of humanity. A futurist would look at 16 Psyche and envision mechanical spiders who would be sent out in colony to carve up this wonderful asteroid, and being the process of bringing it back.........not to earth, but the best blast furnace humanity has in the sun.

A platform would be built by more spiders who could endure radiation and heat close to the sun, where these elements would be refined, and brought not to earth, as earth is an incapable part of this situation even with zero gravity lift. No these elements refined for future use by the spiders would be place on low gravity moon bases, where they would then in turn be manufactured into the components for the use of humans on earth or in space.

Yes this would be a new economic dynamic, a socialist spider colony serving humanity, where all humans would be provided for, upon their requests not on someone deciding what a human needs, but a humanity where value would be placed on the unique nature of what that human would do. Yes a payment system in the artist and inventor in all of us. This would provide positive direction for all humans.

I would foresee colonies on Mars and her moons, but the economic structure of this would be the mechanical spiders who would have zero intelligence like a computer, and only programming to carry out the task of mining or manufacturing. One day with the release of the technology for space travel, humans would begin if possible the colonization process on hospitable earth type planets, which of course would have been visited and prepared by these mechanical spiders.

See humanity is a frail creature of not so long of life span. It may indeed even be shortened outside of the earth incubator, but a machine would be used to pave the way for humans to rise to a higher order of morality, where positive achievement would be the reward with the adulation in how this helped all humanity.

None of what is the current system would be banned or outlawed. If a person still desired to plant corn and raise chickens, for a living, that would be the system operating to reward production and work. With the spiders though, they would not get their cut not having any use for it as machines and there would not be a corporate concentration of power and wealth, as the spiders would self replicate.

People all could be billionaires and more, but the reality is, that does not get the cow milked for cream. No I will not accept cancer cells for cream in a Bill Gates test tube, as there is a far better mechanism which again is mechanical in investing the same nutrients of what a cow or corn absorbs, but in a mechanical way, produces that crop like a Ford coming out of Detroit in mass production.

There has been too much monopoly in this by the feudal few. Their ideas are extermination and holocaust, dictatorship and tyranny, instead of being fruitful and multiplying, where people self govern as there is not any need for greed or want, as all is available, but we have to be good stewards to ourselves and others in bringing positive actions that do not infringe on the moral rights of others by self indulgence.

I would gladly debate Klaus Schwab and his dinosaur intellectuals as they are fossils to this planet when the future is off planet rejuvenation.

This is far closer  to God's Plan of His children renewing all these worlds destroyed by satan's decay.  16 Psyche is for all humanity and of benefit to all humanity.

Nuff Said
