Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Frag


Fragging is the deliberate or attempted killing of a soldier, usually a superior, by a fellow soldier. U.S. military personnel coined the word during the Vietnam War, when such killings were most often committed or attempted with a fragmentation grenade, to make it appear that the killing was accidental or during combat with the enemy.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is an interesting fail safe which is historical, and which the Lame Cherry contemplates if the cartel which is overthrowing the world system, has factored in enough of the human pressure relief. There is the focus of the lone wolf  in what is termed violent manifestations in mass events, but the reality is that one of thee most influential factors in terminating the Vietnam War which the cartel created for enterprise was the removal of commanding officers by thee enlisted.

U.S. Armed Forces. Documented and suspected fragging incidents using explosives totaled 904 from 1969 to 1972, while hundreds of fragging incidents using firearms took place, 

The reason this is a factor is this manifestation is appearing again in the American led war in Ukraine, by the Kiev Nazi. The Kiev Nazi in their holocaust of the Slavs of Ukraine, are now being targeted by the underclass they have forced into war which is their genocide.

Meet you on the other side.

The Ukrainian Army is literally coming apart at the seams. Soldiers are shooting their commanders rather than be ordered into un-survivable battles. Video below shows one dead Battalion Commander after being shot in the head by a Company Commander!

Tired of being ordered to basically commit suicide by their top officers, Ukrainian soldiers are now "fragging" their officers rather than go into suicidal battle against superior Russian forces.

Here's one such instance where a Battalion Commander lays dead on the ground after a Company Commander shot him in the head rather than obey an order to go into a hopeless battle, where five other Companies ALL got killed minutes earlier.

This is fascinating in forensic psychology of how stress is expressed and relieved in the natural selection of the survival of the fittest. Will Ukraine be turned around, not by Kiev, not by NATO, not by Moscow, not by China, but by Slavics neutralizing those who are ordering their mass deaths.

Is this Ukrainian decapitation of those in power on an expanded scale of those who are deployed to enforce the orders of the dictatorial few, the thing that changes the paradigm? This is not the lone wolf attacking the masses as has been generated by the cartel, but this is those on the inside of the police and security state, generating their own final solution by eliminating the enforcement management of policy.

There is a reality in American history, that the greatest threat to the US military in high casualty operations, was that the elimination of the NCO's at places like Okinawa in World War II, by the enemy or in Vietnam by the enlisted American.

We were informed by Lt. Colonel Oliver North that in Vietnam, Vietnam was two wars. In the North there was far less drug use and fragmentation incidents, than in the South which was a different type of war.

1847: Mexican–American War: On two occasions, Lieutenant Colonel Braxton Bragg (later a Confederate general) survived an attempt on his life when an artillery shell exploded under his bed

August 17, 2002: Following an altercation, Corporal John Gregory shot and killed British Army Sergeant Robert Busuttil of the Royal Logistic Corps as he lay in a hammock during a barbecue at Kabul International Airport

Is this the key to altered history, the reason it has been propagandized to being ostracized and suppressed by those who are in control?  It would seem the focus for the public on the lone wolf is a Tavistock misdirection, as they never accomplish anything but being tools of more police state control like Patriot Act. The suppression of the study of this altering of the paradigm, not in mass violence nor in the type of Kiev targeting of President Vladimir Putin which ineffective,  reveals that when an effective breakdown of the order comes from within the order, not from something like the Jan6 public which was proven again having zero effect, was the paradigm which changed the time line.

This is relatively uncommon in human history as only two examples are shown in Vietnam and Ukraine, where an alienation between command and commanded, restructured the socio political stance.

The structure examined appears to be military, not in the non lethal stance of the federal police state. The stress and abandonment appears unique to the military, but then again in this, the 3rd Reich had exhibited a series of internal predatory gleanings in their SS police state, but the records of this are not precise, not as precise as the recorded change of order in America after the victory of General George Washington, over the British, where the Americans purged the United States by force of Tories loyal to London. The same engagement policy was initiated by the Californian colonists in removing Spanish Mexican interests after liberation from Mexico. The same situation would appear in Texas, and as much as under Frank Roosevelt when the Japanese farmlands in California were confiscated by the promoted group of the New Deal order.

A mechanism does appear in the human psychology from inside the governmental apparatus to change the paradigm which has nothing to do with a public manifestation, but a corporal manifestation. It would be of educational benefits if the psychology departments of the leading universities would study and publish on the aspects of this, to educate the public on the historical realities of the frag.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
