Sunday, May 28, 2023

Just a little wet nuclear Dream


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was looking at a FEMA nuclear attack map of the United States and I really was quite hopeful, even if FEMA settled on a 500 nuke attack and a 2000 nuke attack. You can click on the map, open a new page and have a look at it as the triangles are the 500 nuke salvo and the dots are the 2000 nuke salvo.

See I was hopeful in this map, as it looked in the triangles, to basically cull all the people that I will have to have you agree with me, that those triangles are all he people you hate and would like to see vaporized.

Is there anyone who would not appreciate California, Washington, Oregon, the liberal midwest, the northeast and Florida being depeopled of two leggers surplus population that Bill Gates is always talking about, and where all the Bill Gates folks populate.

I have always said that I would love to live in California if no one lived there and California is looking real sweet to me in being nuclear cleansed. I think I would like to live  where Paramount filmed Gunsmoke and Star Trek, or around San Diego. I want to see as I hate tree and mountains, but I also want some green as I hate dust, and I want it kind of warm, not rain fog stuff, you know it never rains in southern California.
Don't care about the earthquakes as been through them and can put up with them for warm temperatures.

Now just as I was about to start accepting this as a fact map, I started noticing things like Minneapolis, Chicago and Dallas having like 500 nukes going off in them. Now I can understand California and whatever is in New Jersey getting like saturated in a shit storm as they kind of magnet that stuff, but you got to think logical in this in Russia has lots of nukes, but with 5000 nukes, you still don't nuke Dallas 500 times. I mean what the hell is the point?
You don't like the Mormons, you don't like minorities, you don't like that place that had bad tacos, you don't like that ugly woman at the blue house, you don't like...........see what I mean, in you got to be bombing piddly shit in Dallas if you are dropping all those nukes. Russians or Chinese aren't going to be bombing and rebombing the same acres as nukes are kind of 20 mile event things and that kind of handles the whole enchilada in any metro. Nukes start fires, burn things up, I mean look at that little boy that did in Hiroshima, that was nothing and nothing was left. Not like America had to bomb it with a dozen nukes.

So in looking at this map by FEMA, FEMA apparently is peopled by metrophobes who want Russia to cull the population a dozen times over in the big cities. This is not a map, but a global wish list.

It does better with the dots in going after nuke and military things, which of course Russia would not do with 500 nukes as it is better to blow up minorities in the ghetto and leave all the nuclear retaliation sites in America intact.

It makes no sense that Russia would fixate on Brownsville Texas and leave so much of America untouched. Not that Russia is not discerning in most of America loves Russia and does not want a war with them, as when Russia helped Abraham Lincoln against these same forces in the Civil War, but FEMA is paid to produce a real gridwork of what Russia would deploy to damage all of America to make it cease as a threat. That is preparing for an emergency. That above map is just Bill Gates wet dream without the bioweapons.

I can assure you that Russia is not going to hit America with 500 nukes in these locations. Even China is not that stupid. 200 nukes equally not plausible not going to explain the details in the artifice of nuclear warfare as I have accomplished this previously.

If Russia is backed into the position of nuclear strikes, it is going to be it's nuclear submarine fleet. The time is too short for any response.

As for the federal response, it is inadequate.
