Sunday, May 28, 2023

Rubber Boots


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Back in the day there were rubber boots called Tingley's which were available for milkmaids and trappers in dealing with mud and shit. As the China lack of quality infested the world, boots became a reality of they cracked in 30 days for 20 dollar boots and 90 days for the 100 dollar boots.

Last year I came across a pair of shin high boots, on sale for 50 dollars. As I had just spent 40 dollars the past summer on two pairs of boots, in which the first one split, I thought to just try these boots as nothing else was working.

MUDS Rubber Boots - Noble Outfitters

I have been wearing these boots for 3 months now, and they have done very well. They are semi insulated, and while not 20 below boots, they are better than boots with holes in them.

So I thought I would share about them as on sale they are wonderful, on discount the knee boots are 100 dollars, but if that is all there is, that is all there is as buying cracked boots sucks.

Now I think my neighbor's kids got him a pair of knee boots, and they did crack. They were black things, as mine have the camo look to them.

My old Tingleys which were in storage for a number of years, that the mother purchased, as I would not wear those things,  when forced to, they lasted 10 years before they cracked. Nothing since China is worth a damn or blessing anymore. So having 90 days on these boots is better than anything I have come across.

Nuff Said
