Sunday, May 28, 2023

When Headlines Fail


E Plabneesta

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following headline appeared on, and the big word gurus intending to extend penis length and vulva tightness resort to words like insouciant, which is rendered a blithe unconcern, while blithe is rendered, a lighthearted calm.

In the forensic profiles of Americans, I find very few of them who are lighthearted and calm. All are on edge and that is part of the psychological rape of the Lansdale protocols in overwhelming people with events and information to make them go psychological fetal position.

Meet you on the other side.

Insouciant Americans Have Doomed
The US To Tyranny

One can not lump all Americans into one category of insouciant, incorrect or correct. Most are as I have written in Geezer 6, to being resigned that the agenda is to big by design and they will live out their days until the grim reaper comes. That is not unconcern. That is not cowardice. That is not slovenliness. That is being astute.

I read enough of the FBI stooge postings about urging people to protest, while none of these people ever get out of their luxury and go carry a sign around, where people driving by look at the person like the dimwit in Africa, playing before the lion's den. Americans are watching. They are angry as are Europeans. They are not foolish. Their trust allowed them to be manipulated by frauds like Obama and Trump, but most have figured out now what the ruse was, that they are all the saps or the people hunted and they are distancing themselves from the predator's jaws.

I have no doubt and this is not news to the cartel who runs the Tavistock and Stanford profiling out of the AI data bases, that they know there is a rage that would be lit if it was allowed, and that is why it is monitored so closely and why it is conditioned to not be allowed to foment in frustration.

The same game played on Americans is played on Russians. Americans get to keep their guns so they do not revolt and Russians get to win in Ukraine so they do not nuke the West, yet in the end the serpent's coil is tighter around the neck of the respective parties.

There is concern of a real retribution by Americans by the police state. That is fostered in by the cartel to provide an "us versus them" herding of the police state. If you do not have a black cop rape Ashli Babbitt with a bullet to death where her vaginal tear stains the US Capitol's floors, you do not have the edge for those psychological sorted out agents of the police state to feel threatened and under Tel Aviv training, enjoy shooting, beating, and gassing Jan6ers into a frenzy, because they are the enemy and are sub human. The Nazi of Germany did not even have that kind of control of the SS in their operations no more than the KGB of the Soviet Union.

So the police state enjoys the authority of control by force. Americans remain in this psychological blank, going about what needs to be done, so the lion does not eat them today, but knowing inside of them there is a trigger for violence which they will activate if the odds move in their favour. 

That odds is about how much disruption these cartel proxies in the East in Peking, Moscow, Pyongyrng and Tehran can crack the police state control and protection in a real conflict, with factoring in the lawless hordes of Mexicans who will clog up the police state.

Again though, one must not lump all invaders in to the same group. Chinamen are different from the  Mexican and the Mexican is different from the Latin American. The Latin Americans are the nicest of the groups and really are an asset. The Mexican is more predatorial, while the Chinaman is flat brain cunning, but slow in response. They are fodder as the real group which is always under observation is the WASP. That is why the Helter Skelter of the Afroid being taught to murder the White in America is so much Obama intention of race stalemate neutralization, but picking of the asphalt dupes who think they are all the same gender is not the urbanite who has something to fight for and to fight with, when they choose.

What Zbigneiw Brzezinski engaged in under Jimmy Carter, in making Islam militant is engaged in the United States to make the Beaner, the Chinaman and the Afroid militant. When one makes sex deviants a predator and sorts the others by colours, that is an easy identification tell. One does not have to have people within petting distance to discern their thoughts when the cartel is making sex pervs and tan skins the militant threat. That can be told at a distance. It makes a deflecting action in pinning the people down against each other more readily projected into the masses and why this is done. This is done for overt violence. The White Muslim of the Balkans was created for covert violence against the standing regimes.

When this all is to the point, it is this established racism of violence which the cartel has generated which will be the weapon which the East will seek to unleash on the police state, as much as the cartel will if necessity arises, engage it to establish their authoritarian order, but on a subdued scale of wag the dog in red flag operation.

I do not even accept though the word TYRANNY in this, as tyranny or tyrants are dynamic. Adolf Hitler was a tyrant. That is why Nazi's are always held up as the admired evil. What is engulfing the world now are despots. No one likes a despot as they are base. It is why no one likes Stalin, Mao, Ho or whatever else is rotting in the museums, because there is no glamour in despotism.

Tyrants like King George have an admirable iron fist. The despot is nothing but shit in the gutter which even depresses their followers.

So the correct headline should be, Americans biding the time, have watched America devolved into Despotism.

That is closer to the reality, and any one with a brain does not want their blood shed for nothing. The order is too large for any one person or group to take on. That would be foolish. It is better to obey the laws, pay your taxes and not get into trouble.

Charles Lindbergh assessed Adolf Hitler and Nazism correctly He stated that no war should be fought as Nazism and Hitler would in time mellow. It is the same with this woke nonsense of world control. This order is a cancer which will consume the cartel as much as humanity, and it will not endure. It would require too many victories against the Eurasians and defeats of the West to become established. All want to rule the world and their is only one world. Therefore they will eat each other as that is what they are, is police state predators, as despots who will turn on each other.

It is logical therefore to bide the time in not wasting the life source, in allowing the big players to neutralize each other. The bunker state will not prevail to rule the ashes, as technology will face attrition and those above the ground will naturally evolve to a higher order of natural selection.

There is also that Jesus. No one ever talks about Jesus.

Nuff Said

