Friday, May 26, 2023

Mexico Man


Jeff And David Oates - Did One Of David’s Clients Reveal
What The Next Pandemic Is Going To Be? Start At 17:00

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I endeavor to do my best to provide information here, never to alarm or frighten, but to be able to prepare, so that you can make sound decisions and not react in panic.

The subject of this is David John Oates on Rense. Thankfully Mr. Rense provided the program segment which is available for the public to listen to. I downloaded it for study. but the essence of this is how Mr. Oates makes a living in he has clients who he converses with, and then records the clients, so he can reverse them, and in the reversals which they are contracting for, they can gain insights and information.

The client this time was a man who Mr. Oates stated, alerted him to the Fauci Flu coming before Mr. Oates ever had an idea of something like this could exist. His information is sound and it is always accurate.

While I have only listened to this program in the rough live feed and have not analyzed it yet, the impression I got was not so much about the next biological weapon release which is based upon bird flu, but that the time line was in the next year. My children will note that I deal with time line structures. Structure is important as it allows the mind to compartmentalize events and then provide reasoned response to deal with those events.

From what this man stated, as he had moved his family to Mexico to protect them from what is evolving is that this next Bio II is what will crash the global economy. We all know the July E Coin reality which is coming upon America. By what is being stated, the E coin is in preparation for the Bio II. The cartel is moving to provide a reasoning why people's finances will be changed from their money to e coins.  There will be a blame, and a fear to steer the mass population to the real agenda of financial control.

This man is interesting as in reversals he refers to the CIA as the Ghost, and states they tried to stop the CIA in it's projects, but the CIA thwarted them. This is not the CIA proper. This is the mechanism behind the CIA's public front. The creature that Robert F Kennedy II is speaking of in having a hand in his father and uncle's murders.

We once again have a time line. Summer 2023 AD in the year of our Lord on a year schedule is summer  2024 AD in the year of our Lord. American elections and in this period a Bio II will be released for the Second Advent. 2025 AD in the year of our Lord is where all of these events project to.

As we have seen release testing of human bird flu spread, it would be logical that as Fauci Fly began appearing in August 2021 and then released in the major wave in December 2021 AD in the year of our Lord spread, as Richard and Stephanie caught it on a commercial flight, that the same release window would be advisable in one releases germs as winter sets in, in human conditions weaken, as buildings are sealed tight and germs spread readily.

The point of this is, you now have a window to frame actions on in preparing.

The Next ‘Pandemic' DISEASE-X ‘Even Deadlier’
Than PSYOP-19 Is Coming, Warns WHO

My window in this is what I term attempting to complete final preparations.  In the coming months you will read of a pick up God provided, and old pick up with an engine designed to burn old gas. What is going to be left in worthless E car land, EMP land, a land of dead people, but OLD GAS. I'm hoping this thing runs, and I have a vehicle which will run on all that old gas which will clog the new fuel injected things from the 1990's on. This is like the Farmall tractors. Engines which have not started in over a year, and start and run fine on old gas.

I have not the funds to complete all I would like, like having horses as I learned in 8 mile walks in winter that I would rather have a horse. I have plans though and trust in the Lord to jack hammer non donors to step up.

As you should notice, I'm not in a panic. I thrive on this, as now I have windows to operate and plan from and through.

This information is valid enough to base projections on.I'm thrilled as events like this mean Jesus is closer and that is Who I'm moving to.

US Ruling Class Members Are Issued
Satellite Phones - Means Only One Thing...

50 US Senators Have Been Issued Satellite
Phones For Emergency Communication

Nov 6, 2015 ... Chumbawamba performing Tubthumping (I Get Knocked Down) on TOTP.
