Thursday, May 25, 2023

Post Colonial America


You are just what I'm looking for in a big strong plantation slave in 
Amerika's Europe

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Colonization of nations has not Obama ended, as in fact it is the Birther faction woke to hijacking the United States which is the preamble of Neo Post Colonial America and the platform the 51st United States are the nations on the border of Russia.

The Serbian President laid all of this out, and stated that this corporate consortium led by Ukraine in joining the EU beginning in June will set the state of a kind of woke nuclear obsession to start a war with Russia, in order to gain all the Russian bread, gold and oil.

Vucic sees Ukraine’s entry as beneficial to the US, which he claimed is seeking to “create a bloc within Europe.” This grouping of EU countries “will consist of Poland, the Baltic countries, and Ukraine,” he predicted.

“You have countries that are larger than France in terms of population,” he elaborated. “If you add Romania to that, then the quintet or sextet becomes the most powerful in Europe, and under the direct influence of America.”

What is bizarre in this, is this Slavic holocaust birthed in London, Norway and DC, to make the Ashkenaz of Kiev the majority people due to the war against Russia, is now dependent upon the Slavic breeders in Poland, the Baltics and Romania. It is a reality that the modern Hitler of Kiev, requires like the Hitler of the past, a Slavic slave class to generate the revenue of production for this neo Anglo Norwegian American 51st slave state, whose primary purpose is nuclear fodder for Europe in a war with Russia.

Europe is being redrawn according to Dick Cheney's vision of old and new Europe. Little did we know that the United States would be busy creating it's own WARsawing Pac within the EU and within NATO as their 51st state on the Russian border.

There is though a trend in this, as the old order manipulated by London, in the French, Germans, Italians and Poles become the "West", that a central order will be redefined, which in all reality stands to be the platform for Russia to leap frog over the Warsawing Pac of Wokmerica, in a coalition of nuclear armed Belaus, Hungary and Serbia. Russia has allies and friendly relations with these moral peoples. Russia stands in this process if she is clarity of vision enough, to isolate this Wokmerica tumor in the east and literally kill it as being too expensive for the United States to maintain.

Amid the coming redrawing of the European political map, Vucic said that Serbs will have to “look out for ourselves,” and forge diplomatic ties with other like minded countries. The Serbian leader noted that Belgrade enjoys increasingly close relations with Hungary, where Prime Minister Viktor Orban has repeatedly criticized his NATO allies for arming Kiev.

As the past two world wars, Serbia is become the king pin in this geopolitical maneuvering, and whoever gets into Serbia first, is the power which will control the fate of Europe for a century.

Woke America has literally fornicated with a crazy whore people of eastern Europe, who really have no conception that nuclear war means nukes falling on them. They have it in their illusions and delusions that the United States will fight the war, take the nuclear hits, and they will inherit Russia.

This is not the bloc which the Lame Cherry expressed should be created, but as in all things in nature, there is a balance in the politic, where the body noting a tumor is present, begins walling itself off to save itself. The Serbian leadership has shown it has remarkable insights and understandings in this war against Russia, and comprehends it is going to be a target and is moving with other moral states to isolate itself and not become another Anglo American slave colony.

Their only salvation will be the card of Belraus in Russian nuclear arms. That is the logical progression as they will be eliminated by the woke  within 5 years in another Kiev type revolution funded by the Victoria Nuland.

This is where the chess game is now shifted, and it is exactly as the Lame Cherry predicted it would be.

Nuff Said

