Thursday, June 22, 2023

Death in the Soil


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have decided today to leave this post as a stand alone post, as it is this important, because you children and brats think you can grow your own food. I'm about to reveal to you in an exclusive something on the cartel knows and something that people should dig deep and donate for, as this is one of may gamechangers which have appeared on this blog that will make a difference in your living or your dying.

I enjoy gardening. I like the soothing effects of plants on the Spirit in me. I always fret about planting seeds, as in the Brier, the past decade, planted seeds were a chore to appear, due to hot scorching weather.

Last year in good conditions, as I always water in my seeds to make sure they are not in dry soil, no carrots came up, and 3 beets appeared. I either purchase seedlings or sprout my own as in the Brier, I have a window from May 25th to June 5th that things have to come up, as nothing will ripen with a last June sprouting. I have learned this and done this for years.

I blamed the farm store for bad seed. I was most displeased as I could always get seeds to sprout readily in my methods and now it was not working. Leap ahead a year after horrific HAARP snows that would not melt in being chem snows, and TL and I were planting beets and carrots, and a little later  I sowed some crooked neck summer squash as I like them better than straight neck.

I watered, I waited, I watered the seeds again, and not one carrot or beet sprouted.

God did appear two squash though, one in each hill.

I was frustrated again as I was about to swear off that damn farm store, but then seeds I tried sprouting from melons, to tomatoes did not sprout either in containers I planted them in.......with soil I retrieved in our field from a pocket gopher mound that got snow and rain on it this spring.

Then I ran into Doris, who is our principal's wife. Out of the blue, she tells me that they had to replant their carrots and beets............3 times before they came up.

A few weeks later, LaVonne tells me, "We have had nothing but problems in getting our carrots to come up. It must be the soil".

OK, 3 people are now having problems. I remembered the Squash couple a few years ago, complaining they had to plant their butternut squash, 3 times, before they came up. That was after a whole lot of monsoon rain had fallen on the soil.

So for props in this exclusive, the Lame Cherry is going to show you some links with data. I inquired of this and the Holy Ghost told me before any internet searches that it was high PH soil, and it was from the chem trails.

So we find out that carrots will not sprout with 7.0 soils. I had planted my heirloom corns and they did well enough in sprouting.

Meet you on the other side.

Mar 4, 2023 ... A pH level below 5.5 is too acidic, and anything over 7.0 is too alkaline for carrots to grow. We encourage you to test the pH of your soil ...

So in the link below we find that corn actually likes 6.8 soils..........that is almost 7.0. A pattern is developing on the data as I'm a scientist and I look at all these Round Up fields of corn, beans and wheat and see they are sprouting.

Meet you on the other side.

Jan 27, 2020 ... However, corn likes soil pH values of 6.2 to 6.8, 

Now for a Lame Cherry history lesson. Round Up was a scorched earth pre emergence granular herbicide which appeared in the 1970's. It caused red swelling on your arms if you got that black powder on your arms in loading it, but farmers used it sprinkled in corn rows, before the corn came up, to kill all the weeds. The corn came later and was unharmed and was not genetically altered.

Then Monsanto noiced that it's herbicide cesspool had algae growing on it. Round Up did not kill this plant. The geniuses at Monsanto figured out that if they spliced that plant gene into the crops, Round Up would not kill corn, beans or rape seed. It was a farming evolution where farmers quit tilling and just sprayed the ground to raise a crop.

Meet you on the other side.

May 24, 2007 ... ... have been genetically altered to resist the herbicide glyphosate (brand name Roundup™). By splicing in a gene that allows crops to ...

The Lame Cherry now asks you in this trail of evidence of the apple falling, what do you think the PH is that algae lives in best?

The answer for this to be a correct projection and conclusion is that algaes lives in a high PH environment. Voila, that is what the the link states. The algae link spliced into these crops has them preferring higher PH, than acidic or neutral soils, which is what garden crops need to germinate.

For example, marine algae strains prefer pH usually around 8.2, while freshwater strains prefer pH around 7.0. Meanwhile, spirulina (Arthrospira) prefers a pH ...

Generally, algae grow in pH ranges of 8.2 to 8.7, which is alkaline. Minerals, water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide are other requirements for algal growth.

I do not have the soil analysis, but I do know the chem trails have heavy metals in them. Heavy metals are harmful to seed germination. Chem spraying has high concentraions of barium and aluminum.

Nickel (Ni) is reported to be toxic to most plant species affecting amylase, protease and ribonuclease enzyme activity thus retarding seed germination and ...

Jan 4, 2022 ... Given the same Na+ concentration, Na2CO3 inhibited seed germination and seedling growth more than NaCl. The results showed that the main factor ...

I desire to digress a bit as heavy metals are sometimes used to make soils acidic, but that is ONLY WHEN it is in sulfate forms. Aluminum sulfate changes PH to acid for blueberries, but the chem trails are not spraying sulfates. They are the elements being sprayed along with other combinations to make dry snow that requires a 50 degree temperature to melt.

What appears to be happening is that at this point still, if there is enough sun and rain on soil, it will break down the high PH so that seeds will sprout. This takes weeks to accomplish, and would be the reason that later sown carrots are germinating.

The Lame Cherry should honestly be awarded the Nobel Prize for this scientific discovery, but I will not. I hope that the Love of God will appear in people with money so they will make the big donations in appreciation of this life and death discovery. The cartel does nothing without knowing every angle. They knew that the chem trails would not affect their frankenfood crops, but harm the gardens we were all told to trust in. This is a clever way to break societies as people will not be able to garden for food without great difficulty.

I think wood ash from our stove helped a great deal, but our potatoes took forever to push up through the soil. I have not researched all of these different crops, but I'm certain I'm on the right conclusion in explaining what had me frustrated and I have been puzzling over for over a year.

This is another Lame Cherry, life and death, exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

