As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is not going to rail against the IRS. Some of my relatives are married to IRS people and they are professional and not looking to inflict on people.
I have though some suggestions in 3 examples of idiots I know who had IRS trouble.
The first is a farmer in law of a cousin of mine. Dude gets audited every year, because he is such a fucktard idiot in trying to scam the system. His kid who is married to my cousin, never gets audited any more, because my cousin takes their taxes every week to a tax preparer who handles all the accounting.
Yes the IRS notices if you have professionals doing your accounting or if your figures are on cereal boxes.
The second is Old Steve. Old Steve is worth a few million. Old Steve invested in oil wells. His tax guy did not know jack shit about the regulations, so took it all off. The IRS immediately flagged it and audited Old Steve. They were very nice about it, just made him pay what he owed, and the matter was settled.
The third is the convert Jew to Catholicism. He got into tax trouble. Had his lawyer there, but instead of keeping his mouth shut, he started challenging the IRS agent, which pissed the agent off, and things were no longer cordial.
The IRS deals with allot of stupid people, which is all of us. Allot of crooks which is a percentage of us who gets us all into trouble, and they know the regulations you violated, so it does not any good to be telling them their job. Be cordial and let them tell you how things are going to work out.
Meet you on the other side, but before you do, here is some advice from Beloved Uncle in dealing with law enforcement.
That was said to my dumb ass brother as a kid.
‘I Can Go Into Anyone’s House at Any Time’: Judiciary Committee Investigates IRS Agent Threatening Taxpayer
So I get my taxes prepared by a nice gal. I have stated that the mother screwed things up when she was out of her mind before she died. I caught the problem before the IRS did. My tax preparer said most people would not have brought it to the IRS' attention. I don't know why as when they do find the mistake, it is going to cost more and they will suspect me. Instead I had to pay back the only refund I ever got from IRS and they charged me like 140 bucks for whatever and I was fine with that.
The point is, my taxes, because TL and I use Excel spread sheets as TL is a whiz in that program which is so fantastic that we have it set up to do an entire year in quarters. It adds everything up so there are not any mistakes, we put everything into categories which businesses run in repairs, utilities, supplies, fuel, vet bills etc..
We each run a computer, enter the numbers, compare our tallies and we find if there is something off. The tax gal gets what is called a Farm Sheet with all the information on it, including deductions, and it takes her about a half hour to do our taxes. We are not the people who show up with boxes of receipts and then are charged for those poor CPA's adding all that shit up. Our bill is about 120 bucks. That is cheap insurance against an IRS audit or investigation, as they can see we are not ever scamming the system as our numbers are about the same every year and we have a professional who knows the tax laws.
Now I do not like the days it takes to sort through all of our expenditures, our adding up things, but after our taxes are dropped off, it is their calling us, we go in, we laugh and have a good time for 10 minutes, all is pleasant and we are done for the year.
The IRS is one of the few agencies, that if you are not making trouble for them, they are not out looking for you. They are not ATF busting down your doors to get your guns. They are not the FBI scouring social media to see what you posted or what you bought. They are not the Pentagon spying on people who say that the Milley is a woke fag. They have a mandate. That mandate is that you provide them information and it is that information which gets people into trouble, because they are screwing around on their taxes.
The IRS does not spy on your cell phone like the NSA. It does not go looking for you, unless you do something to tell them to look at you. Just remember that. We all have enough trouble with this regime invading our lives, but the IRS is one part yet that is not gathering intelligence on you to frame you.
The IRS does not spend your money like fools. That is Congress. The IRS does not frame you on Jan 6. That is the DIA. The IRS is responsible for collecting taxes for things you need like roads and security. The IRS is like a spread sheet. It does not make wrong entries, people do that. So when the wrong number comes up on your calculator, you do not blame the calculator as you know it is your fault.
The IRS is not responsible for this insane tax code to employ lawyers and to rob people. That code is the problem to make poor people pay and rich people to get away without paying. I would prefer we had a national sales tax, that unfortunately vendors would be stuck figuring out that mess like your grocery store, but it would be fair and none of us would ever have to come face to face with an IRS agent. They would like that a whole lot better as we are idiots as no one understands their taxes and they then have to sort through the people who are geniuses and file their own taxes.
I did not mean to add another IRS post to the entries here, but just remember, that some people like my water guy can not handle a little power and are just assholes. The IRS has some people like that, and they have a majority who get up every day and have to sort out and deal with people who are idiots who think they have figured out a tax loop hole and can cheat on their taxes. Every day of that would make all of us not want to like people very much.
Most of you already have withholding so your taxes are paid every month and you never have any problems. So this is for the people who are not fortunate enough to have that system and are probably not adult enough as I am in keeping my files up to date, and honest to not cheat on my taxes ever, as that is just stupid in causing problems for yourself.
Nuff Said