When the Normans came to England in 1066, they erased the Anglos
and the Saxons, maybe it is time the Russians erased the Normans in England
and settled the political historical accounts.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is a thankful thing for the Peoples of the United States, Germany, France, Italy and Scandinavia that the Russian Federation is led by some of thee most astute leaders the world has witnessed in the modern age. For all of the Lame Cherry's distrust of the "My son rapist Bill Clinton" and "My pet Negro Obama" from George HW Bush, his foreign policy group was one of thee most astute ever assembled.
Russia in principle has in the Kremlin an operational group as sound as HW was a CIA man and Putin is a KGB man, with Moscow's own Scowcroft, Baker, Sununu, Quayle and Powell.
The Russians have been doing very well from Iran, to Syria to Ukraine. They have turned US allies in Saudi Arabia and Brazil. The Kremlin is quite capable and has performed well.
The reason the Lame Cherry praises the Kremlin, and is thankful for those nations always stuck in British intrigue being shoved off the cliff into London world war, is that Russia has understood that it is London which is the paramount problem, and that the manipulation of the United States is the problem which must be neutralized. In this, in the quote below, London is acting like it is innocent again, when it has nothing but Slavic blood on it's hands again. Russia is engaged in heavy patrols, nuclear patrols, and has established the work that is required in a war, it will cut off England from Europe and the United States, by satellite and cable communications.
Meet you on the other side.
Russian submarines have been traveling on "strange routes" that deviate from those deemed typical by Western defense officials, according to British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace.
Wallace said the U.K. had been tracking Russian submarines "in the North Atlantic and in the Irish Sea and in the North Sea doing some strange routes that they normally wouldn't do," Wallace said Tuesday while speaking to the media during a visit to Washington, D.C. The British Defence Ministry confirmed the remarks to Newsweek on Wednesday.
As this blog noted in reading history, the two great leaders of Europe in the past 250 years were Napoleon and Hitler. Yes the Prussian Frederick the Great was a master to none, but in the focus of direct conflict between Europe and England, it was both Napoleon and Hitler who understood that the threat was England, and none other, but their plans of invading the islands were neutralized by events in a Divine establishment of the protection of the Throne of Christ, in King David's crown lays in England with the English as the English are of the tribe of Joseph in holding the Scepter for Christ's return.
For the Lame Cherry, the English Normans are a disgusting race. They are full of intrigue and there is nothing honest about them, they are the definition of guile, and that guile has caused 3 global wars, in millions dead and suffering, all for a rabid leech of an island feeding off the work of the world.
The destruction of China, Russia, Germany, France and Iran, is all Great Game Indian London. The destruction of the United States is coming right out of that murderous cesspool with is the British. Tel Aviv is the only other location which is an equal to malevolence for the world, than London is as a predator upon humans.
That is why when I read that the Russians are paying especial attention to England, with the use of nuclear weapons, is threatening England, it heartens me to the astute leadership in Moscow. The Russians know who the culprits are in this, and if this goes nuclear, England will be obliterated as a predatory people. In analysis, the greatest benefactor of the English will be President Vladimir Putin, as he will wipe the Normans and their wog slaves deep into the Irish and North Seas, and leave on the high places those English of pure blood and a race which was once something to be proud to be kindred with.
Read Enoch Powell's warning as a member of Parliament to the English people, as to the shit hole the Queen was erasing them with, in the breeding vermin of Africa and Asia being brought in to dilute the English in their own country. That same European ideal of satanism is at work in all of Europe and is erasing thee American Race in this Obama century.
So everyone is aware of the Babylonia transhuman ravaging the world, and this time the bear with nuclear teeth has been showing the fang necessary to finish off this global nemisis.
As this blog has stated, Long Ball, would solve the coming nuclear war. Long Ball would eliminate England as a military platform for America to enter the war again, for the 3rd time. Long Ball would sever the British from the Continent and the Continent would come to terms with Russia.
Let us all face the geo political facts. China is dying literally as Russia is, by 2030 to 2050 AD in the year of our Lord. Peace is what will ensue as the replacements of India, Indonesia and South America have absolutely no genius for human advancement or projection of power. There will be if Christ does not return a 100 year cycle again of Caucasian reproduction with food supply, to resurrect humanity to a new era of production, providing the world is not cartel salted with nuclear war en mass, and the way this is accomplished is Russia nuclear tidal wave cleansing England, and the keeping of America out of the war directly. If DC would act like Americans and not Co Opters, a Christian Russian and Christian American alliance would join and dissolve the real problem in the next years, and that is this cancer of Chinamen misusing resources. The quicker the world can ship Chinese off to Martian colonies, the better, along with these George Bush and Bono Negroes of Africa. That is the non intelligence that the world needs to begin the structures of space colonies.
I doubt the world will come to that future, but there is hope in Russia's deployment that English Normans will cease as a depredation upon humanity. Russia has been running their submarines on new tactical routes, which the English have noted, and stupidly exposed as this American tracking and it means the Russians will have to move to greater operational stealth to fulfill their missions. The next world war could be over in 17 minutes, with the technological cleansing of the English from the world by satellite neutralization, cable and tidal wave washing of the tin island.
The resolution has always been, who will respond with nuclear warfare to the Russians, in who will die for an England already dead? There is no one with nuclear arms in Europe, meaning Germany and France who will die for the English. Without them, the fervor of the woke Co Opters will face an American People who will when faced with being vaporized in a nuclear war with Russia, will opt to not die for the English Norman either.
Russia is getting this right. Their patience is awaiting the cartel take down of the Untied States, and enough tensions in the new target of the Peking PLA to occupy the United States with an invasion from Panama and the West Coast of the Chinese 5th column.
Russian understanding seems to indicate, they want America pinned down, England erased, and the Chinese being fractured over a conflict with America in the Pacific and thee Americas.
This is not Crazy Ivan. This is Rational Ivan and the Russian rationality is focused on what piece needs to be removed for all the other pieces to be put in check, and that is the tin island.
Nuff Said