As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Department of Justice, US Attorneys, FBI do not have to be corrupt in the case of Dictator Biden.
Joe Biden and his cast of stand ins, are setting the legal stage of incapacitation. The DOJ can indict, but it will never prosecute a senile veg head.
Ronald Reagan's performance at trial in struggling was so anguish laden, that the DOJ simply stopped harassing the President. Mr. Reagan set the stage for this in Iran Contra in phoning Oliver North and informing him, "I just do not remember." North wrote that he could just see Don Regan or Nancy Reagan standing there as the President voiced this cover story.
Meet you on the other side.
House Oversight Chair Says There's Evidence
Of $20-$30 Million In Illegal Payments To Bidens
'When Trains Fly': Joe Biden's 'Ocean Railroad’
Mocked Online
This is all a set up of revelations in a Biden coup. No one on the inside ever gets prosecuted. Hunter Biden will get off on a deal, Joe Biden who was part of this Berlin and London set up of the Minsk Accords to have NATO arm Ukraine to cripple Russia, was using his son, Hunter, as what looks like a governmental asset. This was a controlled demolition and the protection order was in.
Now Dictator Biden is acting more bizarre, in this revolving profile of stand ins. Who knows what the condition of the real Joe Biden is, but the stage theater we are all being conditioned by will have all of us agreeing, that you just can't prosecute a veg head.
This is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nothing you see now is reality and nothing you think you know is what it is.
- Lame Cherry