Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The Attack on Earth's Atmosphere.


Kristi Lynn Noem (née Arnold; as in Benedict Arnold)

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Epoch Times had a mot interesting expose on the Green Governors that would be GOPliter Green and the colour of MONEY, in selling out Americans, and not environmental, green, but in that green of both colours, we have discovered the lynch pin in this fake greenhouse gases as what is behind it. It is rapine on the Nazi like Noem who have sold out America with Trump, and it is genocide of plants and animals, as they are denuding the atmosphere of critical gases from hydrogen for cars to carbon dioxide for industry.

I know this will dismay all the believers in things on the right, but the right is even more hijacked than the left. What is taking place in Republican States is stunning. Noem's South Dakota, the Senate literally killed a bill the House passed to protect landowner rights from being seized due to eminent domain, as that is what this out of state, foreign backed corporation is abusing.

Noem was petitioned by her Repbublican House on this, and she would not even respond. That goes for the federal John Thune, Mike Rounds and Dusty Johnson, who round out the frauds of this GOPliter junta that promotes sex deviants, throws Americans to being hunted down by the FBI, and is now engaged in seizing American's property for this carbon fraud.

Meet you on the other side.

Approximately 230 million metric tons of CO2 are used every year with fertilizer serving as the largest consumer, she said. 

“Other uses include other commercial and industrial applications, which include food and beverage production, metal fabrication, cooling, fire suppression, and stimulating plant growth in greenhouses. Emerging uses include construction materials, industrial gas and fluids, fuel, polymers, chemicals, and more.

The above at least answers why the nation rapists are for this carbon fraud, as it gets subsidies, and foreign money laundered in, to make profits, just like Obama's wind and solar which is a huge fraud costing you double for your electric that you should be paying.

There is an Al Gore side to this, in earth in the balance. No Gore is not some savior, he is a fraud like these GOPliters, along with Donald Trump. But earth is in the balance.
We have mega international conglomerates ruining the crude oil and natural gas markets, to force hydrogen fuel on people, so they can control how you travel in rationing fuel. Hydrogen as this blog exposed is even in Texas in the frauds there, as this is about more than fuel now, as this group is sucking hydrogen out of the atmosphere which is necessary to be there for life. Carbon dioxide is as vital and the levels of CO 2 have dropped, no doubt this is part to more trees being grown across America and the planet, and that this industry is pulling CO2 out of the atmosphere. When those levels reach critical point, which they have, plants will begin dying. That means the oceans will die, as fish need plants to fill the ocean with oxygen so they can breathe.

Meet you on the other side.

At 400 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, DeWeese said the planet is “on the verge of CO2 starvation,” holding up a U.S. Navy data sheet for the audience.

He said at least 1,600 ppm of carbon dioxide is required for trees and plants to thrive.

The fact is we are facing a genocide series of events in disruptions of the atmosphere. The GOPliters are all owned over this and are part of the pedo class that you blame democrats for being, but this is supposed to be the party of Reagan. The Trump Skirt Squad care nothing for Americans. South Dakota has been overthrown by the same interests that own Washington DC. Same as Nebraska, North Dakota and every state in this union. They are busy as hell rewriting the same laws and legislation from the socio conglomerates which are turning those once "hands off states" to states with the same laws that California and New York terrorize people with.

Who signs this shit into law? Kristi Noem, the Trump skirt, same Donald the deserter Trump who was gun control and and abandoned MAGA.

Look, the nation rapists do not care about you. They would kill their own mother if there was a profit involved. It is the committee though behind this that has me questioning things, as there is a deliberate attack on the atmosphere of earth, which is taking things out of balance and will start a reduction process of killing plants and animals off.

God designed this world to self regulate. Carbon never was pulled out of the atmosphere in these quantities. Instead carbon was slowly processed in deep earth pressures which stored it, in pent up energy for people to use in methane, crude oil and natural gas. Burning this fuel is a part of this process or re introduction. It is humans as part of the system. What this carbon dioxide pumping is doing though is depleting the world of a necessary part of the atmosphere for it to function as it should.

I warned readers that Kristi Noem threw people the bait of Constitutional Carry, and then she would return to her masters and she has been nothing but pedo and land grabbing every since. She is a fraud just like all these other stooges who have hijacked the Republican Party.

I keep telling you to get away fro these politics for your own good. There is no denying what is taking place in Reagan Blue America.

It is only fitting that Kristi Noem's maiden name was Arnold and she has fulfilled all like her namesake in Benedict Arnold.

Nuff Said
