Sunday, July 16, 2023

A Warning to US Military Families


When I murder everyone, I will be the tallest man in the world

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After the Grubber Zellinskyy was snubbed by NATO as the Mad Jew of Kiev in isolating the dwarf, a new Kiev Nazi policy is being initiated. The Russians have wiped out over 20,000 Kiev Nazis in the past 6  weeks, along with hundreds of NATO heavy armor. Zellinskyy in a gambit is now going to fold back his already shattered lines more quickly, to provide Russia alarming successes, which will bring about the F 16 Phase which is of concern to American military families.

What is taking place is a massive call up of the White military reservests who were hunted out of the military by Lloyd Austin. They are White, unvaxed and deemed a threat. They will now be sent to Europe to die as expendable fodder.

O'Biden Authorizes Calling US Reservists Up To
Active Duty To Support Ukraine War - Wake Up!

O'Biden Orders 3000 Reservists To Be Ready For
Deployment To Europe To Support NATO, Ukraine

Poland is receiving 100,000 troops for this trip wire and it is a tripwire for what the Kremlin correctly assesses is the threat, as the Lame Cherry first noted in the F 16.

State Of War? NATO Plan To Send 100,000
Troops To Poland - Preparations For Clash With
Wagner In West Ukraine And Suwalki Corridor

The F 16 is now deemed a nuclear threat by the Kremlin, as are the rather intense locating of British Storm Shadow missiles which are nuclear capable and are carried by the F 16 American fighter.

Lavrov - No Choice But To Treat F-16s In
Ukraine As Nuclear Threat

This is the trip wire in this as this blog posted weeks ago. This Lame Cherry mentioned that she could defeat the Russian defensive lines. I did not publish the methods to aid the Nazi of Kiev, but everyone in this has figured it out. The strategy is to have the Nazi fall back, to draw forward the Russians into a salient spear. Once concentrated, there should be a dust up aimed at the Polish front, whereby Kiev with their F 16's will use nuclear warheads to blow holes in the Russian lines, to have western Mercenaries to attack through.

Do not think that this is going to happen in 24 hours just because you read it here. This is a process of time. What has been coordinated are thousands of Nazi will be trained for around December. The F 16's are supposed to appear around December. That indicates that with cluster bombs used against Russian concentrations as "fake peace" is being now spoken of so Ukraine can join NATO (Russia is not going to agree to any peace so that Kiev can be in NATO, so Russia will continue the war to the point of the economic collapse of the West as the cartel has promised them.)

Ziolensky - ‘Its Absurd’ To NOT Start WW3
Wake Up - Zionists WANT World Destruction

Ukraine Wants Every American Pay $200/Day
To Fund 'Mercenary Army' Similar To Russia’s
Wagner Group

You now have a closer time table. July began the e coin creep to ready the platform to collapse in the West and there is a projection now of nuclear action from December onward in 2023 AD in the year of our Lord.

Idiots who are in the United States who thought they were out of the military, are never going to be. They are a threat and will be shipped overseas to be a trip wire. The headlines do not lie.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
