Sunday, July 16, 2023

Who do you think you are, Wotan?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the above you are looking at 7 of thee most stupid people on the planet. You can be assured of this, because the cartel is not ever going to put into power anyone with intelligence, character or obedient to God.

Everyone of these reprobates is trying to sacrifice the other and are overseeing genocide of their own people and do not give a shit if the people they are despots over die of the vax or being nuked.

There is a difference in what leaders are.

1983 AD in the year of our Lord

Margaret Thatcher would have berated that dwarf Zellinskyy off the stage.

Nuff Said

Mar 18, 2014 ... Alive (I'm still aliveOST from Drive angry - 2011- Written by Desmond Child, Holly Knight, James A. Michael, Andrea Natalie, ...
