Saturday, July 15, 2023

...and what of Ukraine terrorists NATO is creating


There are hundreds of trained Ukrainian epidemiologists now in the West.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry expresses this projection.

What happens in the next few years, when the Ukrainian Orthodox Slavs, as refugees, read in their hovels throughout the West, that they were the targets of genocide from the Kiev Ashkejew oligarchs?

What happens when these millions of robust peoples in the West, discover the West in the cartel, plotted that they were expendable for the Ashkenaz race to once establish the Khazaran empire again?

What happens when a people discover that they have been had?

We can look to history in eastern Europeans due to British intrigue got President William McKinnley assassinated by an emigrant in America.

There was the English occupation of Ireland, it birthed the Irish Republican Army.

Then there was the Mau Mau revolt due to British Imperialism in Africa.

Then there was the Boxer Rebellion due to British Imperialism in China.

Then there was the Indian Revolt.......several of them in fact against the British.

Then there was the Afghani Revolts, several of them against the British.

We can look to Germany which produced Adolf Hitler to right the wrongs engaged in the German genocide by the "west".

We can look to the Militant Muslim, who created by Zbigniew Brzezinsky as a weapon against the Soviet Union, soon saw the sins of their political womb of America, and became 9 11 terrorists.

What happens when one day the West wakes up to discover that the Ukrainian Slavs have gained affiliation with the Russians again, and that things worse than hijacked jets start crashing into buildings by these Ukrainian Orthodox in a holy war?

There are an estimated 5,914,000 internally displaced people in Ukraine. 8 million. Nearly 8 million refugees from Ukraine have been recorded in neighboring ...

14 million refugees. If one percent of these people become extremist, that is 140,000 terrorists. 9 11 had twelve students of jihad and implemented that catastrophe. 

Just remember the ruthlessness of Ukrainian nationals in the damage to the United States, in Hillary Clinton's computer contractors lied about who hacked her servers and the DNC to the impeachment of Donald Trump.

What will 140,000 Ukrainian terrorists accomplish in retribution, having been trained in the West and being well aware where to strike, for China and Russia to exploit.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
