As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I know if I was rich I would invest my time in going around and finding old vehicles and then sending them off to some place to recondition them, so people could drive them. Not museum quality, but the kind of thing I would want to take out and do things with. I do not have the 25,000 dollars though to make things pretty the way I want.
I think I'm going to feature the Silly Pony Pick Up here, as people do restore things and people have shit around they need fixing, and my Inspired ways, might help them in getting something done, as I have never had the time, the money or the anything to invest in bringing some old vehicle back to life.
These are the ugly before pictures of what a pick up looks like that comes out of Indian country into the land of the White man. Indians are pretty good shots in shooting at windows and really good with whatever they use to break out side windows. Tonto here, had real problems in it smells like a combination of sweet Indian and sour mouse. She stinks bad and the windows were down so she got wet, and we are leaving her dry out a bit in the sun, and then we will duct tape feed sacks over the windows to keep the water out.
I think one splurge we will make is taking her to an auto body guy we know to put in new glass. I want a good job on this, as I do not want to screw up the door panels and mar them as that is not pretty.
As you can see below, she is full of glass, dirt, junk and mouse nests. It took about an hour to vacuum all that shit out, pull out the retro carpet which was damp and make her look pretty. I told Richard and Stephanie that she looks angry, because she has been abused. I think she looks happier today in knowing someone is taking care of her again.
I will be the one with the rampage pick up, as she looks like she survived an Indian rampage
As you can see heap big gifts in the back. That sewer pipe is going to be tomatoe shelters. That is 300 dollars worth there. While I never found a key to the pick up. I did find two keys to something else. As i said, this is all problem solving and the more I work at this, the more the vehicle feels like mine.
Just will try and keep posting in solving problems as others will run into like things and need solutions, unlike Gaytube which always cuts away from the hard parts and by miracle they are done. No way are they done easy. They cut away on the hard shit and hire it done, like on all those how to shows.
Anyway this was clean up. The next episode will hopefully be straitening Crazy Pony's front end from running into buffalo, so I can then open it with the latch and not have to go through that in need of Holy Angels help.
I think I'm turning into JYG in tearing into things and fixing them.
Nuff Said