As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When I first started receiving unctions from Libby Custer it was passive steering, as I was looking for real historical accounts, which included My Life on the Plains by George Custer, which led to all of Libby's accounts, including the Custer personal correspondence.
I have this all in the archives in covering all of this, but am repeating it as Jeff Rense had some tourist on Gaytube with the following account. The Lame Cherry will state as I began reading the actual history of people who recorded that history, they all knew what took place at the Little Big Horn.
General Custer's good friend, General Nelson Miles conducted and investigative account of the Little Big Horn. It would be his forces which would smash the Sioux and Cheyenne into surrendering in the winter of 1876 - 1877 AD in the year of our Lord.
I can tell you exactly the events of the Little Big Horn as it is all recorded. General Custer with his detachment rode down to the Little Big Horn River, and had problems crossing. Upon finding a crossing, he was shot in the body by someone in the Indian encampment and fell from his horse. He was helped back up and the forces withdrew.
General Custer had already dispatched a rider to find Captain Benteen to bring up packs and reinforcements to the main command as the main body of Indians had been found. Benteen disobeyed the command and dawdled, until a junior officer took it upon himself to ride back to the command.
By this time, Major Marcos Reno, who had literally lost his nerve, had fled back across the Little Big Horn, and that is where Benteen found him. It was decided to not join Custer and dig in, meaning they knowingly left Custer and his men to die, as forces were at work in this from Washington City, New York Banking and the Rothschilds.
George Custer had testified against President Grant and his Indian Ring, which are the same group crashing banks in America today and spreading plague. For this, Grant took away Custer's command of the 7th, and this began the set up by the Indian Ring for the mass assassination of Custer and his command.
This was deliberately planned and the Sioux as terrorists are still the ignorant morons they always were in thinking they accomplished something.
The details of this terror war are simple. The Indian Ring supplied mass arms and ammunition to the Sioux and Cheyenne. Now so you get this point, the idiot western Sioux are what Hollywood likes portraying in Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse or their real names are Squatting Bull and Silly Pony.
During the Lincoln war against the South, the Confederates with England and France, had stirred up the Indians, the Sioux in Minnesota for a massacre against German settlers there. Here is what you have to understand. When the Custer command rode up the Rosebud Valley in Montana, they kept finding all these Wikiups, or williow branch tipis which are small. They were confused in thinking they were for dogs or something. These were the shelters for the Minnesota terrorist Sioux who had been riled up to join the Sioux out west. It was these murderous bastards who caused the influx on the Little Big Horn,a and that was all hidden.
Reports were coming in before the 7th left. They knew the Indians were being armed, knew Minnesota terrorists were pouring in and a war was being instigated on the Montana plains.
This is what George Custer rode into. Custer was famed for his luck in battle, as he had never been wounded. This part is speculation, but there was an Indian sniper with a buffalo rifle which kept peppering the Reno Benteen commands, and was shot by one of the officers. The Indians had been warned that the 7th was coming. Crazy Horse had thrashed and turned back General Crook's command out of Nebraska the week previous. Crook had not informed Custer or General Terry that he was withdrawing so one of the three spears was gone from the battlefield.
The 7th arrived on the scene. Custer's hands were forced to attack, because if he did not, he would have faced court martial for cowardice. All of this was set up. I believe there were agents in that Sioux camp looking for Custer, who actually had cut his hair, was wearing scout buckskins, and the Indians did not know Custer was even there. Yet the one person body shot at the beginning was George Custer on the banks of the river.
Meet you on the other side.
The events now all work against the Custer command like John Kennedy at Dallas. He has ordered reinforcements to come up. They disobey orders. His command, with his brother in the command structure, set up a defense in expecting to be relieved. That defense never came as we know.
We do know that the Custer command twice fired a mass volley, which was a distress signal to be located by their reinforcements and to order them to come up. The Troopers in the Reno and Benteen command heard these volleys and said, "That Reno is really going to catch it as Custer will get after him with a pointy stick".
When one of the junior officers did attempt a ride out to join Custer, it was too late and he was forced back by the Indians.
Libby Custer recorded in her writings that she knew her protectors were under orders to shoot her if the Indians closed in. She was telling the world that her husband had indeed killed himself. The General was wounded, and most likely would have died from the first wound, but he was in command until the end when the Indians closed in. At that moment, either his brother Tom Custer put a bullet into his head or the General did it. General Miles knew all of this, and the events of the battle in Custer was abandoned by his own forces deliberately.
Custer's horse Vic was never found. I have written what happened to him. Dandy had been shot by that damned sniper on the hill, but recovered and was returned to Michigan where father Custer, rode his son's horse in parades for years. Dandy was mule of a looking animal ,but was one of the best horses as a companion which ever rode the plains.
Tom Custer, having been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor twice, seems to have been alive when the Indians overran the position as they cut open his chest and took his heart out.
Severe mutilation was the fate of any survivors. The torture, especially if squaws had time to work on a person was horrific. Eyelids, lips, ears and nose were cut off. The Sioux would cut tendons on muscles and pull the tendons out. The end would be death by fire, on the feet or kindled on the chest.
The General had witnessed these results enough to know what awaited, and he knew if he killed himself, there would be a body not mutilated or that reality for his wife to deal with.
The brother of General Phil Sheridan, led the retrieval of George Custer's body. Libby wrote of his kindness in when the body was recovered and on the train heading east, he had opened the casket and taken a slip of Custer's hair for Libby. She was forever grateful for that token as it was closure for her that her husband was dead.
In Libby's writings, there are hints and blame, in her knowing her husband and family were murdered, as she lost three brother in laws that day. She blamed Reno for letting her husband down. She hinted that President Grant had instigated the mass murder. She was not in a position though, anymore than the numerous dead Clinton stooges who end up dead in coming out and stating the Indian Ring or Financiers were behind this mass murder, or she would have been dead like her family.
There is a ghost at the Little Big Horn, a woman's voice, that asks people, "Do you love him"? It sounds like the imprint of Libby Custer's voice still protecting her husband.
So for all of these rag tag Custer books claiming they knew something, the facts were known by the people then and they already had written about the events to set the record straight. It was at that time one of the most heinous acts in American history, but then how heinous was it to exterminate under Lincoln and entire Southern Caste in the Civil War for these northeastern money interests and their carpetbagger vulture Ashkenazim.
All of this is connected and is part of the reason I featured so much of this over the years, as the same syndicate of finance is engaged in the same rapine time and again.
I'm pleased the tourists are finally educating more people, but the real story has been known since before George Custer was assassinated. We never knew who had put the first shot into Custer, because it most likely was some agent assassin from Minnesota like the sniper on the hill, educated in Minnesota schools and probably trained in firearms by the government. The Minnesota terrorists never said a word about their involvement in that battle. They simply vanished from Montana and reappeared in Minnesota in the summer of 1876 AD in the year of our Lord.
Nuff Said