Sunday, July 23, 2023

The Sins of the Man of Kiev - Yes the West Should Lose


a troll for the ages

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I noticed something odd in listening to the rock station on doing errands, in the Mockingbird news actually treated the dead from the Crimean bridge terrorism by Kiev as humans. The notion was a lament that is family's mother and father were dead.

That caused the Lame Cherry to ponder a reality, the CIA had moved the narrative from all Russians must be exterminated as evil, but now the evil was coming from the cartel's man in Kiev Grubber Zellinskyy. That shift signifies that this Jew is going to be crucified for the sins of this war. He will be blamed for the loss.

I will explain allot more on the other side.

Zelensky Becoming ‘Toxic’ To The West - Moscow

Zelensky's Ingratitude - Ukraine Fatigue
Steadily Increasing In Europe

I have news for you. The Obamites and Bidenites, and yes the Trumpites, as this was all being engineered when Deserter Don was in office, as the Maginot line of Ukraine took years to construct, knew the following would take place......there were no surprises.

What they knew, is that Western ammunition would be depleted. This was to entice China and Russia due to the vax which causes aggression, for them to attack the West and the East, as the entire free world has been disarmed by the war in Ukraine.

These wokesters knew from the start that the West would lose this war. It was designed that way.

These wokesters knew that Ukraine had nothing but obsolete and degraded military stores from the Soviet era. The  West knew that they were going to dump obsolete weapons in Ukraine. They pulled this ruse in Afghanistan. This is not the first time a cartel war was engineered for loss. Vietnam was such a war.

Ukraine is to be a money laundering operation on a global scale, for the fall of the West. That is why Blackrock hedgers are there and why JP Morgan is there.

When this global war comes, by design the former Khazarian Empire which is Ukraine will already be moved past. The real war the Ashkenaz cartel wills to produce is in Poland, the Czechs, the Balkans, the Germans and the French. This is the scorched earth. They have factored in their London banking will have no backing as America will be deconstructed. Dead Europe is one large buffer zone for a generation. Russia will succumb to collapse. That leaves the Khazarian Empire.

Yes, the Biden West allied with Germany, is backing away from London and French finance. They are backing away from the Kiev Nazi. Watch for this collapse and the blame. Watch for the little Grubber with London, to sponsor 9 11 like events to get this back where the cartel expects this to be, a war between NATO East plus America, and the Russians.

This vile, foul, Zellinskyy is going to lose his rock star status and be shown the pariah he is. That too was scripted by the cartel to progress all of this, and why the cum drip of little Fidel in his stumpy green army suit was written to be so obnoxious that when the tide turned, he would be chummed on the waters as the reason for the lost cause of Ukraine and the West.

Nuff Said

