Thursday, August 3, 2023

A Day of Knowing not Fixing

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It truly is frustrating and depressing as the saga of Two Chiefs was interupted by the discovery of having to rebuild fences, but having high heat and high humidity, that kills people, the frustration was compounded in our freezer went out, and in getting a new one, thanks to Richard and Stephanie, it is now run 28 hours without turning off, and that is the Monday ordeal, where I have to at least thank God the meat is not rotting having thawed out.

So for "rest" on Sunday, the project was to put in a block heater into Two Chiefs as that is what came with it. After cleaning, mopping up and crawling around, I almost lost the thing inside the soft plug hole. Wrong size, wrong heater, no one at O'Reilly's had one or the farm store, so off to NAPA on Monday, as knowledge is what I got done and a worthless trip to town.

Afternoon, very sultry warm, so I decided to check the fuel lines as he was not agreeing to run. The Holy Ghost was right in not blowing the gas lines out first, so I took the fuel line off going to the carburetor. Something ran out of it, kind of yellow.

So it was time to enlist TL who cranked the engine over and voila, I had gas jutting out. Kind of dirty, but the fuel pump was working.

Part two was unhooking the carb line, putting a pop bottle onto it and cranking again. Just like jism, I was getting spurts of fuel. The lines were clear, the fuel pump works......and I probably do not have to replace that fuel filter than either.......I hope.

So we started draining gas. Old red farm gas that did not smell like gas. I asked TL to go get our lighter so I could test the gas. Put some on a metal lid, lit it up and lighting it up, means it lit up easily. Gas was from 2017 AD in the year of our Lord. Indians do not bluff about felonies in running tractor gas in highway vehicles, but the gas was good.

We saved about 6 gallons of the stuff. Will either go into the Farmall after being strained, or be used to dump into carburetors, which it was promptly added to. Two Chiefs came to life again, but I can't run it without a cooling system. Thing is, it sounded like it wanted to run, but had an empty gas tank. Maybe that yellow water stuff was the problem and it will work itself out with 5 gallons of the good stuff.

Am hoping it was going to run as it would be nice to have something working, instead of brand new and not working and causing me more work.

I like the sound of Two Chiefs. Kind of like war drums. Has this soft, deep, throaty bom bom bom, not like the harshness of a Harley, but more like a leather covered war drum. I like it. It is a Ford sound, but  deeper. No making any mistakes what an old Ford sounds like. Their big engines all sounded like business.

So except for knowledge, did not accomplish a thing today.

I have concluded that I have to bleed the master cylinder as that is what I was reading about. Probably have to bleed the brake lines too. That is maybe an expense for a mechanic as the bleeing of brakes might mean things twisted off, and I would rather pay for that, than break things off and have to pay for that too.

So we get the block heater, that should install pretty toot sweet. Then it will fill with going to fill and see if that other soft plug was having a problem as I can drain things again, which is not easier, but I would rather not break a soft plug that was not leaking, than to just break one and then have it become a problem.

I think I may now splurge for a battery, as I keep getting the one out of the tractor., as it will be easier and I honestly think that I have a real chance this old boy will run in the next installment. I hope he does as I do not want to mess around with a carburetor. Will have to or try and get the Tractor Whisperer to ding it up as am not looking at any data in how to deal with that........should check the Chiltons as they have carbs in there.

Two Chiefs will run and he is already God blessed as it rains, and the rain does not go in the windows. Not the same story with the GMC we drive and my wet ass.

I really think that when George Custer died at Little Big Horn that it was Two Chiefs who sang the tom tom song for his crossing over. It was just a soothing melodic sound when this guy is running.

Yes the Custer Serenade .....that is my boy Two Chiefs.

His value is expounding upward expedentially every day as new tales and details appear. He has so many tales to tell.

Nuff Said

